Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Helping you to learn English.

WELCOME TO OUR GENERAL BLOG YOU ARE INVITED. Here, we will post articles about world issues, Australian issues, Italian issues. And we will post also my personal life story articles. 

 Anyhow, in this photo above we missed the letter o. Anyhow, we are showing you the order of the English alphabet and the sound the 26 letters make, if you read them according to the explanation that we are writing in this article. At the bottom is the order of how the letters are set in most computers' keyboards. 

Welcome to our article, English Learning, and How This Article Can Help.

Dear readers, today I am writing an article outside my usual interest, because I have seen some people struggle when they learn English, so, I want to help them by telling them what I know. Then I will go back writing the usual articles next time.  

Anyhow, I must say that English is very important to know today, because we could say that is becoming the universal language of the world, so, most people would like to learn English, for many reasons but English is not easy to learn, because words are written one way, but when we say them they sound completely different; let us talk about number 1 for instance, we write one but we say (uan or wan) and there are many other words that follow the same pattern. However, there are ways that we can help, with some explanations of our own, written hereunder.

Anyhow, this article has been written from a person that has learned English as his second language. It has been written to help those people that want to learn English like I did. I must say that English is not easy to learn, because the sound of the word is not easy to write down, therefore, sometimes you might be able to understand what is written, but it is almost impossible to pronounce them, you must learn that from people that speak English well. Anyhow, I believe that today it is a lot easier to learn English, since there are lots of articles that you can listen to on the internet.

Anyhow, here we will be writing a few things that we hope can help. So, here I will be writing what I found hard to understand. The hardest part to learn English is that it is not phonetic, so, what is written, is not exactly possible to pronounce it right, one must learn the sounds of the words from other English-speaking people. However, there are a few things that can help, if you try hard enough to understand what I am going to show you hereunder, because what I am explaining here, not only will help non-English speaking people, but it can help even children that speak English, when they must learn how to read and write English.

To read and write we need an alphabet and in different languages can be a bit different, but hereunder we are talking about the English alphabet.



Now, the English alphabet has 26 letters. In "alphabetical order", they are:

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Five of the letters are "vowels": a e i o u

The remaining twenty-one letters are "consonants".

We can write each letter as a "large letter" (capital) or "small letter".

Anyhow, each letter of the alphabet has a sound of their own, which when written down may keep their sound value or may even change. Now the greatest change happens with the vowels because most of them have got two vowel sound in them, and not only that they change so many times that the only way to learn English is to learn English word by word.

Now, let us start with an explanation, how the letters of the alphabet should sound, by writing the vowel sound first and then the entire alphabet.

So, let us look at the 5 vowels sound, because they change a lot according to their word position. To do that we need to give a single sound to each vowel, and to understand that sound you should follow this explanation.

If we use a phonetic alphabet where the vowels sound is like the following and do not change, then the letters sound is:

A, =as the beginning of are, art, article etc.

E, =as the beginning of entry, exit etc.

I, =as the beginning of is, in, inside etc.

O, =as in the words stop, most, frost, not, lot etc.

U, =as in the words put, June, July, you etc. 


If we use this vowel sound value we have written above, then,

 in the English alphabet the sounds of the vowels would be,

A=ei, E=i, I=ai, O=ou, U=iu.     

Having done that, now we can follow with the sound of the letters of the entire alphabet. We will write the alphabet in large capital letters, and below them we will write the sound that we call them in English, according to the explanation we have written above. Here we need to say that also some consonants change their sound, but it is not possible to explain that here easily, and it is easier to learn that when you learn the sounds of the entire word. Anyhow, hereunder is the alphabet.



Letters and sound of the English alphabet.

  A  B   C   D   E  F  G 

    Ei           bi             si             di              i            ef             gi

H   I  J   K   L   M   N 

Eich        ai        gei          kei             el           em             en

O   P  Q   R   S  T   U 

ou                pi            kiu           ar            es            ti             iu

V   W   X   Y   Z

Vi        double w             eks         uai      zi, zed.


Now, what we have written above is the order and sounds of the English alphabet, and if you want to use a dictionary, that is the way to find the words you want to check. But today when we use the computer keyboard, the letters are set in a different order, one of which is the following. 

The computer keyboards is set in a different order.

Q   W   E   R  T   Y   U   I   O   P    A   S   D    F   G   H   J    K   L    Z  X  C  V  B  N  M


We hope that we have written something useful, and it will help somebody to learn English. Anyhow, to learn English the best thing is to listen to practical conversation, which today can be found easily on the internet, here is a link from you tube to give you a direction you can follow, to find out what is available click on this link,  

This is all I can say in this article. See you next time, with a different article, back the usual issues.   

To see more click on this link, English Learning, and How This Article Can Help.


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