Sunday, November 19, 2023

Australia housing shortage causes.

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This Australian housing shortage will be hard to solve.

What is happening these days is increadble, there are not enough properties for rent, so, we are looking for the causes why this is happening, some people blame the landlords for the shortage, but I do not believe that is the cause, since the landlords run a service to the community, and they would be happy to find a way, how to supply more rentals, if there was inough money in continuing to rent. 

Welcome to our blog discussions,  Australia Housing Shortage Causes.

Dear readers, in this article we are going to discuss the housing problem in Australia, hoping that one day our views will be considered seriously. In the past we have already written several other articles about housing and rentals, so, we know that there are problems in housing affordability, both to own a property, to run a property as a landlord, or to rent a property to live in. So, if you have read some previous articles, you may already know some of our views, about this subject.

Anyhow, in this article we will try to explain what we think is causing this housing shortage, and what could be done to improve the situation. I know that this is not going to be easy to do, because if it was easy they would have done it, but they have not, because it seems to me that they do not know what to do, they are trying to do many things, but up to know, it is not working, so, I better write my own views of what could be done that could solve this housing crisis.  

Now, let me explain my views. In Australia the country is run with the capitalist system, so, everybody is free to contribute to the economy, and when everything runs the way, it is supposed to run, everybody is happy, since the capitalist system becomes self-regulated from supply and demand, of whatever your business is. So, this system should not fail and would not fail, unless something prevents it to run freely. But today in Australia the rental market is not working properly, since there are not enough rental accommodations available, so, we must ask ourselves, what has caused this shortage? And then; what we need to do to overcome this problem?


What is causing Australia rental shortage.

We must assume that the capitalist system, cannot fail and will not fail, if there is enough money to run any business, up to the point of breaking even, and the rental market is just the same. You see, we must understand that the property owners, run a business that can be called a service to the community, and everybody that runs a service, is supposed to earn some money.

Because, when the people run a business and they start losing money, then those businesses will start closing, and if there is no correction coming up, they may even disappear. I believe that this is where we stand now with the rental market, and it would be helpful if some corrections are made, to make it worth while for the small investors to continue to stay on the rental market. Because, if nothing is done, they will slowly sell out and go, what else can they do.

So, let us see what is the main cause that has caused this rental problem, and then suggest what could be done. Today we know that there are not enough rental properties available, this can mean only one thing, there is not enough money in owning and renting these sorts of properties, because if there was enough money, the capitalist system would not have failed to supply them. We can also say that whatever has caused the system to fail, has been there for several years, but people have ignored it, because it was convenient to ignore it, but today we cannot ignore it anymore, because it is hurting many people, so, something needs to be done. Most people believe that this rental problem can be solved, if the government builds lots of affordable rental properties, but I do not believe that the government can solve this problem by itself, they need the private sector to run most of the rental properties. Because it will take a lot of money and time to build, several hundred thousand affordable rental accommodation, and that is all taxpayer money. So, it would be better if the private sector continues to help in the rental market.   


Who are the rental owners leaving the market.

Now let us see who are those rental owners, that have been renting affordable rental properties in the past, and today they are forced to sell out, because they are sick and tired to lose money, and at the same time be abused from the tenants and the government authorities, as if it is their fault, when the fault is the government fault that is taking away their earning, left right and centre, through charging so many levies, that make it impossible to run rental properties at a worthwhile profit.  

But that is not all, because the most unjust and even ridiculous and out of touch with realty are: the assets test and the gain tax.

For people that rely on the government pension, whether they are elderly people or disabled people, they will lose 3 dollars a fortnight per thousand above the threshold, when their property may make only one dollar per thousand per fortnight. So, they are losing a lot of money, and they would have been better off money wise, if they had no rental property at all. That is the reason they must sell.  

Some people might say that they still earn money, because the price of their property goes up with the passing of time. But that is debatable. You see, if you sell one property, that you have had for say twenty years, three times as much as when you bought it the first time, you will lose about one quarter of that money, to pay the gain tax. That money is lost for ever, you see, if you buy another property, of about the same value, you must pay the difference from your own pocket. I hope you see what I mean. So, there is no gain at all if you want to own another property, you only lose the tax money.

My view on this rental affordability is, that if the government wants to improve rental availability, they must make it easier for the rental owners to keep their properties running at an affordable cost. To do that they must charge less levies, they must set the assets test on rental properties, at about the same level that they can earn, and they must look at the gain tax on affordable rental properties.

If nothing is done, then the rental problem will not go away. 

To see more clik on this link, Australia Housing Shortage Causes..


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