Tuesday, December 1, 2020

We can suggest helping the farmers.

WELCOME TO MENFRANCO GENERAL BLOG. Today we will start posting a few posts about Australia, we will start with the drought issue that is affecting the farmers, and continue with other issues that affects the Australian public, and other world issues. 

Blog No: 3. From our article in Hub Pages, Farming Today Is Still a Risky Business

Farmer are lonely place, and when there is a drought it is even worse 

Dear readers, this is the 3rd post about farming in Australia, so, to understand what we are saying you need to read our previous two posts. Anyhow,Today the most important thing that the farmers must do is think how they can survive the drought, or anything else that puts their livelihood at risk. Here we must admit that most of the farmers are good at doing that, because farmers are practical people, but that may not be enough, to save all of them, as we can see from what is happening today. Therefore, we must think about a helping solution. Here we suggest that an organization that collect things from the farmers, when farming is doing well must be created, this is where the government can step in, by setting up a collective organization, which for instance collect every year a portion of the farms produce, or even some money when they are doing well, before taxing them to collect their tax. Then this government organization, will keep this tax-free reserve of food and money in reserve; which then, it can be freely distributed, when it becomes necessary to help those farmers in need.

Well this only a suggestion that we have written here. But this thing is not even new; we are all familiar with the story in the Bible, when the Pharaoh of Egypt dreamed about the seven fat cows that then were devoured by the seven skinny cows. Joseph interpreted the dream that in the land of Egypt, there were going to be seven years of plenty, followed by seven years of famine. The Pharaoh got Joseph to organize a collection in the years of plenty, to be distributed on the years of famine, and thus Egypt survived the years of famine.

What happened in Egypt was a long time ago, and the earth seasons then were more regular than today, because they did not have global warming to deal with, this global warming is an extra problem that we have created ourselves, so, today and in the future, we must create things that can overcome this global warming problem. Meanwhile, we must be careful what we do; perhaps we should create more social security for everyone including the farmers. Now, let us talk about our present farming and other problems that we are having today. 

Australia is having problems

Anyhow, today what we want from the government cannot happen; because of what has happened in Canberra recently; since the federal government has had political problems; so, on the 24 of August 2018 they have replaced the Prime Minister; now the new PM. is Scott Morison, but he needs still to choose the other ministers and then swear them in, before they can talk about anything else. Anyhow, we can say here that today Australia is still the lucky country, because there are people that donate things, when people are in need; so, the farmer get some help that way. Thanks God for that!

Anyhow, meanwhile the farmers are praying for rain and praying that the people in Canberra will remember them, and then, do something about helping the farmers. Because, farming is a risky business even today, when things are easier to organize, for this reason, we need to look at the Australian security system to see who is responsible and what can be done.

I think I have said enough in this article, see you in our next article, where we will discuss about the Australian social security system that today is failing the farmers, but not only the farmers, because there are other people that can be served better. We believe that Australia can do better, if the Australian government can organize the resource better.

Anyhow, knowing about these problems, we have published a few articles, hoping we can suggest something useful; here are the links:

Farming Today Is Still a Risky Business

Australian Social Security

The Australian Political Parties

Australia Can Do Better

The Assets Test Dilemma

The Australian Social Security Must Be Equal

We have written these articles and we will continue to write them.

Anyhow, we are going to talk about the Australian social security system, in our next article. See you soon.  


This is Menfranco general blog 

We can suggest helping the farmers

Next time with; The Australian social security 

Other links from same author










See you soon in our blog, The Australian Social Security  

See you soon.


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