Friday, August 11, 2023

Australia housing problems, 2

WELCOME TO OUR GENERAL BLOG YOU ARE INVITED. Today we are reposting some of those articles, that in a way can link to our main message about housing, where we will talk about the housing problems in Australia, the Social Security System, and the ASSETS TEST that can prevent the Social Security to be equal for everyone. And I believe that the assets test is the main problem, why today there are not enough rental properties on the market. 
This article can also be found at this link,  Australia Housing Problems, Two.

To read all the blogs of this selected group about rentals click on this link,


I belive that past politicians are to blame for today affordable rental problems, and they need to fix it, to go back to normal. 

Talking about the rental market, they say that there are not enough rental houses in Australia, and for this reason the rent is going up. Okay, there are not enough houses for rent, but wehat is the reason. The renters and the government want us to believe that it is the landlord fault, so, they try to blame the landlords, when is the government greediness that charges high levies on the property, so, the landlords cannot afford to own and have more properties for rent. 


This article is the thirteenth article of a group of articles, about Australia housing problems and its cause and remedy discussions. We are reposting some articles to show you, what we believe is the cause of the rental shortage in Australia. You see, the Australian Social Security System fails to help the farmers, because of the assets test, and fails and punishes the small rental investors, because of the ASSETS TEST, that is the only reason I can see, why today there are not enough rental properties on the market. So, to solve the housing problem, the politicians need to abolish or reset the ASSETS TEST at least to the same level or below, what people can lose from their pensions or other benefits. Also, to solve the housing problem, the politicians must find grounds to work together with the private sector, and definitely not against the private sector. But today, from what they are doing, they seem to say that the private sector is their enemy, when the private sector is only running a rental service to the community. 

Welcome to our article, Australia Housing Problems, Two. 

Dear readers, as I have said before, I want to inform you that I have followed the rental market for a long time, and I have written several articles about it, pointing out what I think can help to solve the problem. I have done that, hoping that someone in power takes notes of what I am saying, and does something about it, but so far nothing has happened. Anyhow, I believe that there is not enough money in renting a property, because of the many charges the government imposes on the properties. The other problem is that the Australian Social Security System descriminates rental owners and cuts their pensions more than what they can earn from their rental property. Anyhow, I believe that the Social Security System must be equal for everyone, but it discriminates against the small investors away, to fix it they can start by abolishing the ASSETS TEST that keeps off the small investors that could have a property for rent. Anyhow, I will continue to write more rental articles, hoping that something positive happens, so, let me go on writing.   

Today I want to point out that one of the reasons why rents are high, it is because any type of housing costs a lot to build, therefore, when they are new they cost a lot to rent. But what about the older houses. Here I must say that existing houses and units cost a lot more than they should, perhaps the real estate agents are trying too hard to push the price up, and one day the prices may come down, or they may stop going up for a few years. So, those buyers that want to buy at all costs, better beware, because this can be coming sooner than you think.  

Anyhow, there are not enough houses being bult, and I wonder why they cannot be built and sold any cheaper. In the past whenever there was a shortage and the price of housing went up, they soon built more houses, and the price would return to normal. But today this is not happening, some people say that there are not enough tradesmen to build new houses, and not enough young people that want to be tradies and work on buildings. Anyhow, this is only one of the reasons, because there are many other reasons, why there are not enough rental properties on the market.

I believe that the reason why there are not enough properties, it is because the mum and dads, that are the greatest number of small investors, have been placed in a disadvantaged position and losing money, and at the same time they are being discriminated, as if it is their fault. When it is the fault of the government authorities that charge high levies, on affordable rental properties. Anyhow, once these small investors realize that they are overcharged and discriminated, they will stop investing in rental properties, and they might even sell them, because they are losing money. And this is another reason why there are not enough rental properties.


Which charges and by-laws affect the rental market most.  

So, let us talk about which charges and by laws affect the rental market most in a negative way; and that is the reason why, it is not easy to fix, unless these laws are modified. I believe that there are at least two things that must be changed, for the rental market to be able to go back to normal, and this must be done soon. One is the assets test, and the other thing that hurts most is the land tax, that give the landlords nothing at all, but charge lots of money, just because you own a property, most of these properties are rental properties, therefore, the owners must charge more rent to pay for the lant tax.

Anyhow, we are continuing to study the Australian rental situation, but it is becoming clear that the rental market cannot go back to normal, because of these laws that charge lots of money, and put pressure on the landlords, who cannot do anything except charge more rent to pay for those levies.

So, this rental problem cannot be solved, unless the present governments change these negative laws, and makes the rental market cheaper to run, and it needs also to change or abolish the ASSETS TEST on affordable rental properties. So that those people that are on the rental market, like the pensioners, the disabled people, the jobseekers, and other people that during their lives need government help. When they apply for help, they cannot have it, because the assets test disqualifies them, even when they cannot earn money, from their rental properties. So, they may be forced to sell, and another rental property disappears from the rental market.

Now, I know that you start hating me, because you think that it is not possible that people that own properties need government help, but they do. You see the small investors, that have only a property for rent and no other income or funds, they need the government pension to survive, and this can be a real problem, because of the assets test, that discriminates against the property owners.  

Anyhow, to understand what I am saying, you must imagine what is really happening in the rental market, because there is not enough money left, after the owner pays the levies on that property, and they may earn only one or two per cent of the value of the property, and most of them may decide to sell the property. So, we can say that this is the reasons, why today there are less properties for rent.

You see, the ASSETS TEST, is set in a way that pretends that the owners can earn about 8% of the property value, when in most case they can earn only 2% of the property value, or even less. So, if they want more rental properties on the market, the government must abolish the ASSETS TEST on affordable rental properties.

Here I know that most of you are not convinced about this, so, I need to write a few examples, and step by step explain how I have reached this conclusion, but this blog is becoming too long. So, I will write another blog or two if necessary to explain what I am saying. Meanwhile remember that the government Social Security System must be equal for everybody, but it is not equal, and this is causing problems. 

Anyhow, we will continue with our next article, Housing Problems causes in Australia.

To see more click on this link, Australia Housing Problems, Two.

See you next time. 


 NOTE. This article above, is the link to the following article, Australia housing problems two. This article is also the thirteenth article of a group of articles that we want to publish. The aim of these articles is to show you that, the Australian governments can fix these existing problems, if they run a better Social Security System that fails to help those that need their help. And we believe that it must be equal for everyone. The greatest problem is created by the assets test anomalies, so, the ASSETS TEST must be abolished or adjusted, so that those anomalies are eliminated.  Because it is not fair to the pensioners, and this is one of the reasons why, there are not enough rental properties on the market, since the pensioners, are forced to sell out to receive their pension. Anyhow, here the greatest problem is the politicians that do not want to see it that way, and they make laws that would stop anybody to invest in rental properties, when they need the private sector to invest in the rental market, so, the politicians need to make laws that helps the private sector invest in rental properties. So, let me explain.  

For me there are three main things that the government can do, to come out of this rental crisis: give more rent assistance to the low income earners, abolish the assets test on affordable rental properties and low other levies, so that the small investors can keep renting at affordable price, and stop foreign ownership on rental properties, that is pushing real estate prices up, and the rental market must follow to go up, because the properties cost more. 

Some politician believe that the government should build, affordable rental units to solve this rental crisis, but for the government, to build an infinite number of affordable rental units, is not practical, because it will cost the tax payers several times more than helping the present rental set up, as we have suggested above.  

To read all the blogs of this selected group click on this link,,


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