Thursday, September 16, 2021

How D.I.Y. Brickwork.

WELCOME TO OUR GENERAL BLOG YOU ARE INVITED. In this blog we will be posting posts that talk about world issues, Australian issues, Italian issues. And sometimes we will post my personal life story articles. Anyhow, today we will post another personal article to talk about brickwork, in this article called, .DIY brickwork.  

This is a small gang of bricklayers building a brick-wall. They are working overhand, since they are working from inside the building. In this case it is safe to do that, because the building is still low, but this practice should not be allowed when the building is tall, because it can become dangerous, unless a scaffolding is erected outside the building. 

Welcome to our article, DIY brickwork. 

Dear readers, because I am a bricklayer by trade, so, I want to share my knowledge with you, because I believe that building knowledge can be helpful. So, we are writing this blog of, how D.I.Y brickwork, to help people that want to do some building work themselves. 

But, to do any building work, whether is just some repairs, or build a small something, or build an entire house, we must at least know in theory what needs to be done, unless we are tradesmen and knows what to do. So, it is wise to read articles about build. So, in this article we are going to write what we think can be helpful and paste articles that we think are helpful to learn how to build or repair things. 

But I want to point out that it is not possible to teach people to be a bricklayer just by reading a single article about bricklaying. For people that want to lay bricks, the best thing for them is to observe the bricklayers on the job, this is the quickest way to learn. However, even by observing how it is done, it will take a long time to learn bricklaying, in fact, it takes years to become a bricklayer but  don’t be discouraged about that, because this article can help you, you see, you can learn enough to do what you want to do. 


Explaining my position and what we write.   

Now let me explain, you should keep in mind that this ‘D.I.Y brickwork’ article, is part of my life story, and I am writing this article ‘D.I.Y brickwork’, since I am a bricklayer. I am partly retired now from building, so, I want to share my building knowledge, and for this reason I am writing this article D.I.Y brickwork; where we want to show you how to build with bricks, so, I have thought that it would be good to tell you how to build a brick base for houses step by step for a start.

So, dear readers please note that this article here is the first article about building with bricks, it will be followed by several other building articles, where we share our bricklaying and building knowledge with you; because then I feel that I have contributed in a small way to the community by sharing what I have learned during my life; in the hope that this can help somebody that wants to do some brickwork.

 Anyhow, in these articles we will talk about the following activities; (1) How to build with bricks; (2) Building a brick base for houses. (3) Bricklayer laying bricks. (4) Getting ready to lay bricks. (5) Making sure we start the brickwork level; (6) Laying bricks on a sloping site; these are the main items that we are talking about in this article and the following articles. Of course, there is more to say about bricklaying, so, we are continuing with ‘DIY brickwork’ in our next article; Building a brick base, and we will continue to write about brickwork until we complete the brick base at least, even if we have to write several articles about brickwork.


Building with bricks and other things. 

Dear readers, my entire life in Australia I have worked in house building or repair, but the best trade that I know is bricklaying, as I have worked as a bricklayer most of my life, therefore, I want to share my bricklaying knowledge with you. You see, I believe that it is the duty of any human being to help humanity to improve their standard of living, as we have written in this website So, let me pass my hard-learned knowledge, starting with how a bricklayer would build a house brick base.

But because it is hard to visualize some aspect of the bricklaying trade just by describing them, we are going to use some visual links from the internet to show you a few things about bricklaying, so, it is easier to follow, how to build this house brick base, I know that these are not my videos, but you see, ones you publish anything on the Internet those things are supposed to be shared from the rest of the community, at the same time whoever has published them can still claim to be the owner.

How to Learn the Basics of Bricklaying - YouTube

This link above is for people that don't know much how you lay bricks, however it is a starting point, of course there are things that a real bricklayer would not do, but there are also very useful hints for a beginner.  

How to Bricklaying Tips and Techniques DIY - YouTube 

This link above shows you other things and if you can use this together with what you have learned from the other links, you are on the way of learning how to lay bricks. 

How To Lay Bricks Like A Bricklayer - YouTube 

This link above shows you how a real bricklayer would finish his face brick wall, of course even here you cannot learn everything, and so if you are not a bricklayer, you need to visit most of other links here.

Now that we have pasted some of these helpful links here and we are pasting another one below in this article, let us continue how to build a brick base for houses. 


Build a brick base for houses.  

To learn something, we need to observe how it is done; so, we are going to show you how a house brick base is built, so, let us write, how a bricklayer would build a new house brick base. So, I am going to write so many details here, that it is like teaching somebody how to lay bricks, so, I am calling this D.I.Y brickwork. Anyhow, for the following to make sense, we need to go back to our previous article House building in Brisbane, to see what we were doing on the building sites, when we were building a new house and we had reached the point where we were ready for the bricklayer to start laying bricks for this house brick base. 

Now what is going to follow here is how we bricklayers lay bricks, and I may add that what I am writing here can also apply to other brickwork, because bricklaying is a repetitive job and once you have acquired the skills how to do one job, you can easily use this knowledge to do a different job.

So, now that I have explained myself, let me take you step by step how the bricklayers work, when building these brick bases for houses. You need this basic knowledge because once you have laid the bricks and the mortar becomes hard it is a very hard and costly to fix it. I have to say also that it is easy to make mistakes here, unless you are an expert and really know what you are doing. So, let us follow how a professional bricklayer would start the house base, because there are a lot of things that must be kept in mind, before you even start laying the first brick.

The most important thing is that you start laying the first brick in the right spot, and this should be done at the lowest point of the foundation, otherwise you could encounter real problems later; so, how we bricklayers go about to achieve that you may ask?

Okay, here we should assume that some of our reader may not know anything about bricklaying, so, it is wise if we can describe to you, how a bricklayer lays bricks and then we will proceed to build the house brick base.


How a bricklayer lays brick. 

Therefore, let us describe briefly how the bricklayer lays bricks, so that you can have some idea how it is done. Let us explain this first, most of us are right handed by nature, but a few of us are left handed; now let us assume that the bricklayer we are going to talk about is right handed, so, he holds his trowel in his right hand and picks the bricks with his left hand; now let us go back to where we were getting everything ready for the bricklayers to lay bricks; so, we had set near the foundations, a combo-board and a stack of bricks and then again a combo-board and a stack of bricks.

Now that you have this picture of the setup, you can see when the bricklayer lays bricks, first he spreads his mortar bed on the brick wall, by picking up a trowel full of mortar and while he tips his trowel to let the mortar fall on the bricks he pulls back his harm towards his elbow, so that a long spread is achieved, if he likes to spread a longer bed then he picks a few more trowel full of mortar and spreads it, then he fix this mortar with his trowel more evenly, and at the end he uses the tip of the trowel to split his mortar and collects the extra mortar on both sides, then he picks up a brick with his left hand and at the same time he picks up a bit of mortar on the tip of his trowel, while he turns toward the wall he sticks to the head of this brick the mortar that he picked up and now he can lay his brick, these are the main things that we can describe here, and it would be hard to say more, unless you can see how it is done, so, I have found a bit of a video from YouTube to show you.

Here are a few videos from YouTube to show you how some bricklaying is done.

The Art of Laying Brick - YouTube

Images for bricklaying

These two links above would be very helpful if they work, because one shows a bricklayer laying brick and explaining how it is done step by step; the other link shows photos of many types of brick walls already built, many types of bonds and also brick walls while they are being built, let us hope that these links works for you, if they don’t try to copy them in Google search bar and use Google engine to find them.

We also strongly advise that if you really want to do a bricklaying job yourself, you must practice how to lay bricks before you start, most people find that it is harder than it looks and also think about it, practice make perfect.

Now that we have explained how the bricklayer lays bricks, you need to learn about important tools that the bricklayer uses, and we are going to talk about how to use and check the spirit level and make sure that it is okay.


Explaining the spirit level. 

The bricklayers need many tools to do their job, and they should know how to use them properly; the two most important tools are the trowel and the spirit level, without these two tools the bricklayers cannot work. So, let us explain how to use them properly and above all let us check the spirit level, as I have seen some DIY make mistakes, because they do not know, how to check if their spirit level is right, therefore, let us see how to use the spirit level, and above all how to check that your spirit level is working right.

Most bricklayers use a 4-foot spirit level, most of these modern levels have three bubbles in it and they are very accurate, the two end bubbles are for plumbing (reading if the walls or posts are exactly vertical) the central bubble is for reading if the walls or whatever are level. But what about if these bubbles for some reason have gone out of their proper settings and when you read them, they give you a false reading?

Any good tradesman that uses these levels must know how to check if they are right or not, but let us assume that our readers are not tradesman, so, they want to know how to check if the level they are using is okay? To check if your level is okay you should do the following:

First let us check the plumb bubbles; to check the plumbing bubbles, pick up your level, chose a post or wall that you think is strait and plumb, put one side of you level right against it and while lightly pushing against it check that the level touches evenly the surface you have chosen, if it does then without moving it look at the bubble level if it is right in the center, if it is right in the center then it is plumb, but to make sure that it is plumb you need to turn your level around 180 degrees in such a way that the face of the level that is now against the wall is away from the wall and the other side is against the wall, if here again the bubble is exactly in the center then you know that that part of the wall you have chosen is plumb, and you also know that the bubble in your level is set right since you have compared it to the other side of itself.

Now that you have done that, turn your level upside down, so that you can check the other plumb bubble, if this bubble is also set right, the bubble should again be in the center just like the other bubble, and when you turn you level around as before it should again be in the center; but if it is not then this bubble is out and should not be used for plumbing.

Okay, we have checked the plumb bubbles and now we are going to check the level bubble, to check the level bubble, pick up your level, chose a wall or a bench that you think is level and do the following, place the level on it and if it the bubble level is in the center then it is level, now you need to check that this bubble is really right; so, you need to make sure that you check this bubble against itself; in order to do this mark exactly where your level is; then turn your level around 180 degrees so that the end that was on the west side is now on the east side and the end on the east side is now on the west side, if the bubble reading is again in the center as before your level is set right and you can use it. But if it is not then you might have to buy a new level. 


Getting ready to lay bricks. 

As we have said in our previous articles, when you have to start building a house, the first thing that is necessary to do on a building site is to set up a profile, to make sure that the house is set where the house plan says it should be, therefore, a profile must be there before you start laying bricks. Now let us assume that the profile is already in place.

So, let us explain the procedure when we start working on this brick base. First, we bricklayers go to the profiles and tie the end of the bricklayers’ line, on the outside alignment of the house, then walk to the opposite side while unrolling the line and tie it in the same position. Here I need to point out to the DIY that the line must be stretched very tight, so that it stays in a straight line even if there is a wind blowing. Now that we have set the first line, we are going to set another line right across the first line and where these two lines meet, is the very first corner of the brick wall of the house.

Now with a plump bob or a spirit level mark on to the foundation where the outside corner of the first brick is going to be laid, and you are ready to lay the first brick. Of course, it is necessary to repeat this procedure for every corner of the house. It is also necessary or helpful when the foundation of the house is not level to mark all the steps, so that you know that the wall is exactly in the right place; you see to start laying bricks in the foundation is a very hard and demanding job for the bricklayers, let us imagine that you have to lay bricks below the level where you are standing, and where you are standing is uneven ground and if you are unlucky it might even be wet. So, if you can make everything easier by marking all the critical points it helps. This of course, is only step one to ensure that the brick walls are going to be in the right place, and step two is about levels, so, let us see how these two critical things can be done together.


How to start the brickwork level

Now that we have marked all the corners, we can start building this brick base on the right alignment, but we need to think about the levels; you see 99% of the bricks must be laid level and plumb, unless there is a specific reason for the walls to be leaning, but this does not happen when we build houses.

Anyhow, to start the brickwork level, we need to know if the two opposite corners are level, and if they are not, what is the difference between them, so that we can start the brick walls at the right level. With short walls it is enough to use the spirit level to do everything, but with longer walls we need to use other sophisticated levels. Therefore, it is necessary to mark the levels on every corner, so that the difference is known to the bricklayers before he starts laying bricks, because most of the difference must be rectified well below ground level and if possible, on the first course of bricks that we lay on the foundation.

Today there are several types of level that we can use, some of these levels are very expensive like surveyors level and other types, they also need an expert to use them and a helper at the other end to mark when instructed to do so, therefore, it is very helpful if one of these levels is being used on the site to mark all the levels around the house base for all the trades that are working on the house, but there are times when the bricklayers are left to their own devises, and they have to work out their own levels.

Now the bricklayers have many tools to carry around including the mixer and wheelbarrows, therefore, they try to avoid carrying expansive levels with themselves even when they know how to use them. So, some bricklayers use even today the water level, because it is a simple and cheap level, as it is only a clear hose filled up with water and it is easy to use, all you have to do is to fill up this hose with clean water and at the same time make sure that there are no air bubbles in it and you have a very accurate level ready to use.

Let us explain how the clear hose water level works, when you fill the hose up with water, make sure that there are no air bubbles left in it, if there are no bubbles, then the water in the two ends of the hose should always be level, whether they are beside each other, or when they are far apart. So, if you mark the top of a brick on a corner that you have already built you can mark this same level on the other corner, therefore, you know that this two marked points are level; then, you should stretch a bricklayer line between these two points making sure that the line sits exactly on the mark that you have made; now all the level below this line can be worked out easily from the bricklayer, using a type measure or a gauge rod.

The bricklayer can work out what to do if there is any difference on the foundation, and make sure that it is the same course of bricks by running a full course of bricks between these two marked points, at this stage the bricklayer not only has to take care that the wall is at the right alignment, he also has to make sure that the brick are laid level, and at the same time he needs to make sure about the bond, therefore, the easiest way to achieve that is to start from the lowest corner and lay a full course of bricks until he reaches the other corner, this will make sure that the brickwork is started level and with the right bond. This procedure should now be repeated also on the other walls until all the walls are set up, if everything is done properly we should end up with the last wall being the easiest to start, since we have set both corner to build the other walls, but be careful here that you tie the bricklayers line on the right course, you can create a pig in the brickwork. 

Now, to make 100% sure that everything is level and that there is no pig in the brickwork, it is necessary that you run a full course of bricks all around the building at the same level, if that can be done and there is no brick sticking out it is okay. Now let us see how this can be avoided when we are working on a sloping site and the foundations have several steps in it, because this is the most likely place that a mistake can be made.


Laying bricks on a sloping site. 

As we have said, the most important thing in bricklaying is that the bricks must be laid at the right alignment, straight, plumb and level, and when building a face brick wall, the bricklayer should pay particular attention to these details, beginning from the first course of bricks that we lay on the foundations, therefore, it is better to concentrate on this single issue, because it is very important to start the brickwork right from the beginning.

Now, to lay bricks on a level site it is easy; also, to lay bricks on a level foundation is easy, you see, you can build the corners and by using a bricklayers line on line blocks you can stretch a tight line and lay bricks in a straight line easily. Of course, here we have assumed that the foundations have been laid level, but on a stepped foundations it is not that easy, because even the concreters may not have been able to lay the foundations level, because the concrete moves until it sets, therefore, the bricklayers need to check and recheck the levels when they start bricklaying on a sloping site. One of the easiest ways to do that is to mark levels on the profiles all around the building site; then you can stretch a bricklayer tight line between these levels and measure from the line down to check your levels, ether with a type-measure or a gauge rod.

I know that you are saying, what is a gauge rod? Okay, a gauge rod is usually made from a long-marked piece of timber that the bricklayer marks himself, once he knows what sort of bricks he is going to lay and how thick these bricks are, and what is the best thickness of the joints for this brickwork. I know that the gauge rod sounds like a strange devise for those that are not used to work with bricklayers, but really it is only a straightedge that has been marked with the space of each brick including the joint, so that you can quickly know how many courses of bricks have to be laid in the space that you are measuring.

Let me explain, to decide the spaces on the gauge, the bricklayer Forman measures the thickness of four bricks that have been laid with an average and attractive joint, and from these measurements he makes his gauge rod for this particular job; here it follows that when the gauge rod is not handy, we bricklayer talk about this space as the gauge that is supposed to be kept on this building site, which is four course of bricks.

Anyhow, I believe that this article is becoming too long, and difficult to understand for D.I.Y for the first time, as there are too many things to keep in mind, and since there is a lot more that can be said about bricklaying, I think that it is better to write another article or two about it; which we are going to call, Building a brick base, or Bricklaying on a sloping site, where we are going to explain in more details how the work must be done and how to avoid to make mistakes.

Please note: these D.I.Y building articles should be read one after the other to make sense, so, here is the link of our next building article. Building a brick base

To see more click on this link, DIY brickwork. 

See you soon.


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