Tuesday, August 24, 2021

World News and my Views August 2021.

WELCOME TO OUR GENERAL BLOG YOU ARE INVITED. Today we will be posting posts that talk about world issues, Australian issues, Italian issues. And sometimes we will post my personal life story articles. Anyhow, today we will talk about, what is happening in the world in this article called, World News and My Views August 2021.

In the world there are many things happening, we have selected a few that we think are important to remember, so, we are writing a short diary of what we see happening. 

Welcome to our blog, World News and My Views August 2021.

Dear readers, this is my diary to remember what is happening in the world today, in this article we will talk about the Olympic Games. You know every one of us follows the Olympic games hoping that our country wins many medals. In my case I am following Australia, Italy, the USA, and a few others. Then we will talk about many other things

Anyhow, at the end of the 2021 Olympic games in Tokyo, I believe that Australia has done well, they are in sixth place, and they have won 17 gold medals, 7 silver and 22 bronze, total 46 medals. The Australian girls have done an excellent job, they were better than the boys, but that does not matter.

USA has not done as well as they have done before, since most time they were so far ahead of the rest, but this year, they have overtaken China at the very end of the games. Anyhow, today they have 39 gold medals, 41 silver and 33 bronze, a total of 113 medals overall.

China has 38 gold, 32 silver, and 18 bronze, a total of 88 medals overall.

Japan has 27 gold, 14, silver and 17 bronze, a total of 58 medals overall.  

These are the three countries at the top.

Italy ended up in the 10th place with 10 gold medals, 10 silver and 20 bronze, total of 40 medals overall.

Here we could say more, but we have other things to report. We do not like to talk about that, but we must because they are happening. So, hereunder we will write about the COVID-19 problems, the fires around the world, and about Afghanistan war that is supposed to be over, but there are a lot of problems that still need to be solved.   

The Olympic games in Tokyo Japan have been held in 2021 instead of 2020 because of the corona virus pandemic. It was good to see the games because they made us feel that we are going back to normal. Well at least we know that one day we will be back to normal. 


The COVID-19 continues.                    

Anyhow, let us talk about the COVID 19 pandemic. In August 2021. In the world the confirmed positive cases are over 208 million, the world death toll is over 4.4 million people and growing, in some country like USA it has slowed down, highly likely because of the immunization, in other countries it continues, it goes up and down. Today, the highest death tolls are USA 632,000 deaths, Brazil 570,000 deaths, India 432,000 deaths and Mexico 248,000 deaths; this are the four countries with most deaths.


In Australian there is a second or third wave of corona virus variant called delta, and many people are sick, so, they started with some local lock downs, and ended up with several states lock down.

Anyhow, while people blame the politician because they have not organized sooner the vaccine, there are people that do not want to be vaccinated.

Anyhow, in Australia the state of N.S.W. has the worst outbreak and what is happening now, it is the 17th of August 2021, (and I quote)

NSW recorded 452 new locally acquired COVID-19 cases in the 24 hours to 8:00pm yesterday.

Premier Gladys Berejiklian said a woman aged in her 70s from Western Sydney had died at Westmead Hospital.

"Tragically, overnight we had the death of a female in her late 70s at Westmead Hospital who was unvaccinated, and we extend our deepest condolences to her loved ones," she said.

"We know what a difficult time they're going through."

Of today's new cases, 129 were linked to a known case or cluster and the source of infection for 323 cases are under investigation.

NSW Health said 30 cases were infectious in the community, 24 were in isolation for part of their infectious period and the isolation status of 297 remain under investigation.

A record 168,000 COVID-19 vaccines were administered in N.S.W. during the reporting period. (End of quote) -------------------

The other states are a bit better, in fact Queensland so far has had only a lock-down lasing a bit more than a week. But we are worried, so we have to wait and see whet happens next. Now let us see what else is happening in the world that we believe is important to mention.



I believe that today fires in the world are due to climatic change, anyhow, let us see what I found about these fires on the internet, (and I quote).  

An intense heat wave is sweeping over Europe, triggering deadly fires across the region. In Greece, a state of emergency was declared on Monday as huge forest fires killed 74 people across several towns and sent thousands running to escape flames devastating entire villages. But Greece isn't the only European country sweltering.

These Are the 10 European Countries Facing Summer Fires


1.   Fires rage around the world: where are the worst blazes ...


9/8/2021 · Parts of Europe are enduring severe heatwaves, while hot, bone-dry gusty weather has caused devastating wildfires in California. The US state is fighting to contain its largest blaze in its...


1.   Sicily records Europe’s ‘highest ever’ temperature as ...


12/8/2021 · Fuelled by hot weather, fires have erupted across southern Europe in recent weeks, with huge damage to the landscape on the Italian island of Sardinia. In Greece, many villages on the Peloponnese...


1.   91 wildfires are now burning across the US, with Oregon's ...


2/8/2021 · This year, 37,803 fires have burned more than 3 million acres across the United States, per NIFC. During the same period in 2020, 32,059 fires burned a total of 2.1 million acres.

(End of quotes). Now, what I have pasted above is only part of the global warming problem because there are also the violent storms that devastate lots of countries, so, if it is not the fire it is the rain that ruins everything. Let us hope that the entire world accepts that these problems happen because of the global warming, and then, altogether find a way how to fix this problem in time. 

There are several fires burning in the world, most of them are due to global warming. This fire above is in Sardinia Italy, and it is not the worst, since there are no deaths, like in Greece and other parts of the world, as we have said above. 

The Afghanistan war is over. 

They say that the Afghanistan war is over, but what are the consequence of this war, we wonder if we have achieved anything, because there is chaos everywhere in Afghanistan, people are scared and running away, anyhow let us follow what the news on the internet have reported, (and I quote).  

US political analyst Joe Siracusa says the American war in Afghanistan may be over but “the war is going on” as it will only be a short time before the Taliban are “all over the place”.

The Biden administration had sent 3000 US troops to Afghanistan to help the partial evacuation of the US Embassy which came after the Taliban took over the Western city of Herat and Ghazni, a provincial capital south of Kabul.

“We’re hearing terrible stories from the provinces, the Taliban are going from door to door, they’re killing the men, they’re taking the wives, forcing them as brides to Taliban soldiers.


The 20-year western mission to Afghanistan collapsed in a single dramatic day as Taliban gunmen poured into the capital, Kabul, on Sunday to seize back control of the country.

Amid scenes of panic, the Afghan president Ashraf Ghani fled the country and the US ambassador was evacuated to Kabul airport, abandoning the American embassy as diplomats frantically sought to destroy sensitive material before being airlifted out to safety.

Even before the Taliban announced plans to proclaim a new Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, it was clear that a second era of its rule had effectively begun. The group started the day so confident of victory that its fighters surrounded the capital, then ordered them to stay outside the city and wait.

Related: A tale of two armies: why Afghan forces proved no match for the Taliban

“Our forces are not entering Kabul city. We want a peaceful transfer of power,” said spokesman Suhail Shaheen. But with surrender apparently inevitable, Afghan government forces melted away, looting broke out, and hours later the Taliban claimed their men were needed to restore order.

(End of quotes)

Now, we hope that the Taliban keep their words and a peaceful transfer of power can be achieved, for the sake of the Afghanistan people. Anyhow the entire world is watching what is going to happen next. Meanwhile we hope and pray for the best outcome. 


This is at Kabul airport, where the army is guarding the perimeter, it has been reported that the crowd want to run away from Kabul, and some mothers are so desperate that plead with the army personal to let them in, or at least take their babies and fly them out of Kabul. 

I believe that we have said enough in this blog, perhaps not enough about our views of the consequence and the reasons, which is a mix up of politics and religious beliefs, that we are going to write about in another article. 

To see more click on this link, World News and My Views August 2021

See you soon.  

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