Sunday, July 11, 2021

An old man views of the world.

 WELCOME TO MENFRANCO GENERAL BLOG. Here, we will be posting posts about world issues,Australian issues, Italian issues, and my personal life story articles. Anyhow, today we will talk about, An old man views of the world. 

We old people are supposed to know most things, and we are supposed to guide the future generations the right way, but today it is not that easy, because things are changing. Anyhow, there are times when we have to be a fatherly figure, and keep the young people interested in our story, but there are times, when we have to assume a more serious role, and tell the world what we can see happening tomorrow. 


Welcome to our article,  An old man view of the world

We old people are concerned about what can happen in the world tomorrow, because we have seen nasty things happen during our lives; therefore, we are looking for signs that can tell us what can happen next. People must understand that we old people do this, because we our own lives have taught us to be alert, to prevent nasty things happening to us.

You see, old people are concerned for themselves, and other people as well. So, in my views as an old man, I am looking at the world today, and I don’t like what I see; because what I see is uncertainty all around us. So, I think that the world is going mad these days; I feel that humanity that was supposed to know better in the 21st century, it is not doing what they are supposed to do.

Some of us think that we have reached the age of reason, but from what happens, I am sure that we have not reached the age of reason; because the age of reason is when people don’t make mistakes, and they have learned how to live peacefully, with the people around them.

So, what is wrong with humanity I would like to ask? You see, today when we look at the news, it is impossible to avoid seeing the violent things that are happening in the world. What hurts most is that humanity is doing this to themselves, as if they don’t know better. 

When I wrote this article the first time, the bad news is the terrorist that seem to happen very often. So, I have to say that as a human being my heart is crying, because there are terrible things going on in the world; so, I believe that we must do something to stop this violence; if we cannot do anything that can help, we need at least talk about it, in the hope of finding a way out. Who knows somebody can come up with a solution?

Anyhow, I am concerned what is happening in the entire world, I am concerned about this peaceful country of Australia, because it may not be peaceful anymore, since we cannot avoid to be involved, and I am also concerned about my native country Italy, because Italy is in the front line, you see, there are thousands of illegal emigrants arriving to Italy continually.  

I know for a fact that in Italy there have been many wars in the past, as it has a long history about them, so, I fear that something can happen again. You see, today there are a lot of refugees coming in. This might not seem important to some people, but, the views of this old man are that, they seem to occupy the whole country and the Italians are welcoming them, even when a lot of other Italians are concerned.

Anyhow, I don’t see that this peaceful welcoming is going to last long, because most regions of Italy are not rich, so, they cannot sustain all these illegal emigrants; therefore, if this refugee’s problem that we are witnessing today keeps going on, there can be another violent story that can unfold in the future in these regions of Southern Italy, therefore, we wonder, if history is going to repeat itself, so, we are concerned. 


Today exodus in the Mediterranean Sea, are refugees from Africa and the Middle East that move to Europe, because there are wars going on they leave their land, but there are also people that go in search of a better life. So, we should be concerned what could happen over there.   

Why we should be concerned

We should be concerned, because there is this movement of people that can be considered a Biblical Exodus. You know what I mean, the Jews left Egypt to go to their Promised Land, in their way they had many problems, one of their biggest problems was that they had to fight the people that were occupying their Promised Land, so, in the process many people were killed. Now that is one example of what happens when a large number of people move from one place to another; of course, there are many more examples, but I believe that I have explained my point of view.

If you follow my main point of view, we can say that today we need to be concerned about what is happening; because what has happened in the past can happen again, therefore, we must treat this refugee problem with caution. Because history tells us to be concerned. Not only in Southern Italy, that happen to be in the front line, but also in the entire continent of Europe, as there are too many refugees that arrive from Africa, the Middle East and Asia, so, I am concerned.

Now, to understand what I am worried about, it is necessary to know more about this region of Southern Italy and the inhabitant that are living there. You see this region is not rich, the only thing that it is going on there is wheat farming, for those people that own enough land to do that, there is also some mixed farming going on for their own use; there are a lot of small farms that can sustain the native inhabitant only. We have also to say that there are times when these small farms do not produce enough and people must leave the farms and go to work somewhere else, even if they have to go to another country. You see this is the main reason why I left our small family farm in Southern Italy and migrated to Australia.

But as we have said, this can apply to several other regions of Italy and indeed the entire world. We really have to think about what we need to do next, so, whatever concerns I have for my native town of southern Italy and the entire country of Italy, they are also concerns for the rest of the word and above all the western world, since that is the place where these refugees are moving to.

Now, these refugees believe that they are the only people that have got problems, but even in Italy there are unsolved problems, which I am going to point out here-under, just to explain my views. You see, Italy is over populated already, if we compare the resources and capacity that Italy has, and that is one of the main problems over there.


Italy position and population

The Italian peninsula in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, this makes it easy for the refugees to come to Europe. We believe that this is the main reason why so many illegal emigrants arrive in Italy every day, and sometime even thousands of them can come in just one day, other times just a few, but it is a problem that may never end, unless we of the western wold are able to find a solution. Any solution can help, but the best is that we must find a way how to keep these refugees in their own countries of origin.

We know that it is not easy, because if that was the solution, it should have taken place by now, but I believe that we must continue to see if the refugees can be kept in their original land. We know that this is almost impossible, therefore, we are concerned about it, since it brings lots of other problems.  

We have reasons to believe that Italy cannot cope with this incoming of refugees for long, so, something may happen that will show us this weakness. What is happening now is this, Italy accept these refugees on humanitarian grounds, they even go to help them when they get in trouble in their boats on their way to Italy, but there are too many of them arriving every day; so, it is a never ending problem. Most of the western world is worried about these refugees; but we don’t know what to do to stop them.

Let me point out this to you briefly, since I have written the first part of this article, there have been several terrorist attacks that involves illegal emigrants and refugees, but that is not all; for instance, today on the Italian news, we have seen the eternal city of Rome full of uncollected rubbish in the streets. This is another problem that the refugees will produce, since there are more people, there will be more rubbish. Now the rubbish can be collected, but where to take this rubbish will be the problem of the future. 

Today I am editing this article, so, I can add other things that have happened since last time I wrote this article. There has been an earthquake in central Italy, where near three hundred people have died. At the same time, in a few days about 15 thousand refugees have arrived in Italy. It is very warring, therefore, I feel sad for the Italian people, since they have to cope with this other disaster. So, in the world there are more problems to solve every day. 

The Italian peninsula in the Mediterranean Sea, including Sicily and other small islands come very close to the African continent, this is one of the reasons why illegal emigrants use Italy to go to the continent of Europe. 

The Italian problem of today. 

At the beginning of this article, we have talked about that there are many illegal migrants in the world today; they are illegal migrant because they forcefully go everywhere, even when they are not wanted. So, I must say that when they do this forceful migrating, they can upset the way of life of the people that are forced to receive them against their will. 

The causes of this illegal migration, it is that these refugees are in search of a better life, there are many reasons for that, but above all it is poverty. When poverty is bad people can even starve to death, now that is when people are very poor and they are forced to find a way how they can feed themselves; here the rest of the world that are better off should help them and there is no question about it.

But on the other hand, there are people that are not that poor, they want more because they are greedy, they want to believe that the rest of the world is better off than they are, therefore, they want to grab whatever the others have, and this is the main problem that the entire world is facing today.

Anyhow, here we want to talk about the Italian problem, mainly because I am an Italian that has emigrated from southern Italy; therefore, in this article I want to talk about Italy and my native town, but who are these emigrants we must ask and why they are migrating?

This is the main thing that worries me. These people that are arriving as refugees in Italy and Europe, they look like that they can feed themselves well, in their own country. So, feeding themselves is not the problem for these people. Therefore, what other problems they might have one should ask?

Before we can answer that question, we want to define the sort of refugees we are talking about here. There are at least two types of refugees, the real refugees are those people that are forced to run away from a natural disaster or war. The rest of them are not real refugees, they are illegal emigrants that are looking for opportunities to live a better life.

Now, there is nothing wrong for people wanting to live a better life, if the better life they are looking for is hard work, and this hard work is available in the country they emigrate, but if they are looking for a better life, because they believe that the people in the country they have emigrated are better off, just because they have heard that, then there will be problems. This is the reason why I am concerned.

Anyhow, with this article we end part one of our life stories articles; it will be followed by part two, my life in Australia, and part three general articles, aimed in talking about Italy, Australia and the rest of the world. Anyhow, there are other things that have changed since I have written this article. I will report them in the future. 

To see more click on this link, An old man view of the world

See you soon.  


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