Sunday, May 23, 2021

These are my simple life observations.

WELCOME TO MENFRANCO GENERAL BLOG. Today we will talk about the Madonna of Genzano story from my life story articles. Since nothing important to report has happened. 

Dear readers, we want to know what is the meaning of our life, but life is very complex, so, we can only observe and learn from it, if we do that, then, we may know the answer to our question and perhaps learn what we would like to do in life. Our life observation and our life story are like our own shadow, it will follow me everywhere I go, and I can use my observation of life, to live the rest of my life the best way I can. This is all I can think about life. 

These are simple life observations.   

Welcome to our article, Our life observations

Dear readers, what I am writing here are my life memories and observations, which bring me to another observation. You see, we have to learn from our life, before we can say these things; for instance, what I am doing now: Well I am writing my own life observations in this article, we will call this part, simple man life observations; and then, we will break my writings in several sub titles, like the following, observe and learn from life, let me talk about my childhood and my childhood pains; one can still learn from the hurting part of life, we need to be positive.  

Anyhow, as I have said, we have to observe and learn, and then we can use our observations to guide us during our life; our observations of life are like our shadow that follows us everywhere we go and it never fails, so, let us learn from life by observing whatever happens around us. I know that sometimes we want to forget what has happened to us, because it is painful to recall, but even those painful memories are worth remembering, because they can teach us how to avoid them next time.   

Looking at the ways that we are living today, we can say that it is better than it used to be; if we compare the way we used to live with today standard of living. This I am going to show you the difference in our next article that we have calledFarming today compared to the old way

Anyhow, even if life is easier today, living today is not as simple as it used to be; because of the changing ways that progress has brought with it, therefore, living our life today is complex, it needs to be looked at closely, even if it is a life of a simple man like me.

You see, in the old times it was easier, because life followed the same pattern of the generation before, so, it was easy to copy the previous generation. But today is different, because things are changing quickly, so, we must change if we want to keep up with the times, and the best way is to plan how we want to live our life. 

But even if we plan well ahead, there are times during our life when we must do whatever is most appropriate, to survive and thrive, and be able to earn our living. because that is the best way to solve the problem. You see, we need to observe and lean, it is necessary to do that even if it is done to survive those times that we happen to live in.

Observe and learn from life. 

We must accept life the way it comes, because that is the only thing that we can do; we must do it without upsetting ourselves too much; I am saying this because, during my life I have had a few of those life experiences that are not the best; 

Today, I am looking back at my life that I have lived, and I am thinking that I have lived the most important part of my life. You see, I happen to be in my sixties while I am writing this page for the first time. So, right now, I am wondering why I am writing this article, because writing articles is new to me, it is another lifestyle change, which has been brought about from those changing life events, you see, when I was young I could never have guessed that one day I could be writing something and publish it in something called the Internet, and I would be writing in a language that is not my native tongue.

All this has happened to me, because there have been lots of changes since I was born, there were life events that have changed my lifestyle during my life, so, they have forced me to change and to adjust with them as required. 

Anyhow, here I am talking about my own personal writings, and even if they are worth nothing to the rest of the world, they are my personal writings and my experience of life, therefore, I want to keep them forever while I am alive. Now, let me talk about my childhood and the problems that I went through when I was young.

Talking about my childhood. 

Let me write a record of my life, I was born near the end of the year 1938, and that is before the Second World War started. I was the second child in my family, my brother is only fourteen months older than myself, and for my parents my birth was too soon after their first born. 

I was born a good healthy boy, but in those days medicine was not as advanced as today, so, they didn’t immunize children as much as they do today, so, I did not receive Whooping Cough immunization as a child, so, I caught the Whooping Cough, and although survived it, since then I have kept coughing on and off for the rest of my life; the Whooping Cough most of the time leaves this condition to whoever caches it for the rest of their lives, at least this is how my mother has explained my coughing condition to me.
Another health scare happened when I was three or four years old: I was playing with my brother who was older than me by one year plus, and while we were playing I don’t know why he hit me with a heavy boot in my face; so that, my nose started bleeding, and it bled for a very long time, my parents were worried, and helped me stop the bleeding, but since then my nose has been bleeding very easily.

Anyhow, the blood loss and a poor diet in the farm made me grow very skinny, so, skinny that one could say that I had all the signs of malnutrition, I was so skinny that one could count my bony ribs, and I was also so light that other boys made fun of me, when we were playing and they used to lift me up.
I need to say also, that all these hardships and poor health that I have suffered when I was young; they are also due to the greatest drawback of my life. Because then Fate struck a heavy blow to my parents, as my father and three work horses perished from a lightning strike, while they were carrying on a cart one of the last loads of wheat of the season from a faraway field, I remember my mother crying several times about my father dead.

Death in the family and the greatest drawback of my life

When this great misfortune happened, we were left with no father and with great financial loss. So, after our father misfortune, our family that consisted then, of my mother and two boys and a girl including myself, we were left in a poor position to prepare for a decent future life.

My mother had to rely on her two younger brothers, who were still teenagers at that time, and they had to help her to run our small family farm, so, we could earn a living, because in those days there was no help from the government whatsoever, we were on our own, those were hard times indeed.
So, when I was about ten years old, because my family could not afford to hire a youth to help in the farm, I was chosen to help in the farm, instead of my brother who was one year older than me, and by right he should have been chosen to help. So, I instead of continuing to go to school and get a better education, I had to go to help in our family farm, and this became the greatest drawback of my life.

The way of life in the farm was very boring, as it had been for centuries before my time. But before my time people didn’t know how to live a better life, so, it didn’t matter much to them then. because everybody was at the same level of awareness, and they accepted life as it was. They did not worry if the lot of them were dull people compared to the towns’ people, because they were less educated and lived a lonely and boring life. Anyhow, the way of life that I was living, slowly became old fashioned, because of the human progress everything was changing quickly.

So, I have been unfortunate as a young man, because everything that had not changed for centuries started to change, and most of the people that were living in the towns who before depended from the farming sector to earn a living slowly became better off than us in the farms.
Because of the changing way of living and farming, it became hard for us to live in the farm and earn a living, so, in the end I had to leave our small family farm, to earn a living somewhere else. And it was then, that I realized that the work that I had done in the farm, and what I learned in the farm was a waste of time. Because I had to start to learn how to earn a living somewhere else.
So, I migrated to Australia. In Australia I changed job and worked in the building industry, which was a lot better than farming. About this building industry I will be writing a few articles.


Life means what you want it to mean, even when it hurts. 

Now, let us look at my life like a philosopher, and learn what we can from life. Here, we want to talk about the hurting part of live that we had to go through in our young life. Anyhow, life means whatever we want it to mean, even when it hurts us, because we can learn something from it, so, I need to say that, we the younger would be farmers of those times kept working in our farms to feed the rest of the community, and even if we were working our guts out, and while we were doing that we were becoming dull, we did our part to support the rest of the community. But the town’s community doesn’t see it that way, and they think that we are stupid people that work our guts out, because we are dull and don’t know better.

But what’s hurting us most, it is when the towns people seem to laugh at us because we have become dull compared to themselves; this is the way that we are being treated from the rest of the town’s community and it hurts too much.

So, we the hurt ones, we feel that we want to shout into their faces that they should be ashamed of themselves because; They have first sacrificed us, as they have put us in a position where we could not improve ourselves, instead of treating us in the same way as they did for themselves, and then they laugh at us because we have become dull. What a shame! You first sacrifice your own children by sending them to work at a very early age, and then you laugh at their sacrifice, only because through their sacrifice they have become dull.

Now, I need to say that I have written the story of my life when I was young, but there are a couple more articles that I need to write before I start the second part of my life story. One article is about my problems about love, which in this case will continue hereunder. Then, I will write aboutFarming today compared to the old wayThen I will write the second part of my life story, beginning from when I migrated to Australia and what I did in Australia.

To see more click on this link, Our life observations


Welcome to my article, Midway love life story

Dear readers, this is a second article in this same blog, so, this article is going to be shortened a lot, it is another life story event that has happened to me, we can say that it is more like a psychological event than a real-life event. Anyhow, today I have a dream of becoming a writer in my old age and write many things, I know I am dreaming to become a writer, in the hope of being able to reach her heart.

Psychological pains of unwanted love

Dear readers, this is my painful love story, if you believe that love exists. You see, being in love with one of the opposite sex, it is the most beautiful and natural thing in the world, because from this love that we feel with one another, one day another human being is going to be born, so, I suppose that nothing can be more natural than that, if that didn’t exist, then we could not exist. But love emotions have many twists, everyone of us has had experience with that, but let me tell you, those love feelings instead of bringing happiness and love, they can bring pain and bitterness, like what has happened to me, in my unwanted midway love story.

You see, what we are talking here are these psychological love things that happen to us, and they are those things that have accumulated within our system and they will drive us to do unusual things, even if they seem wrong to do at the time; here I want to become a write for love, because I am being driven to do it, so, let me write about, my unwanted love story.

My unwanted love stories

Dear readers, I know that I have said that I am going to tell you the story of my life. So, I hope you understand my position, I want also to tell you that when I started to write the story of my life, I felt as if I was going back to school to learn how to become a better writer.

Now that I have explained that let me introduce myself, my name is Frank and I am a simple bloke, and here I welcome you to read my unwanted love story and the ‘Observation of my life; but do not expect my writings to be well written because I have not been trained to be a writer, and I am not even a native of the English language, but I want to write about my painful love life, because my love emotions have pushed me to write about it.

 I want to write my life story because, I need to improve my knowledge of the English language, and by writing my life observations I will have the opportunity of reaching a higher standard of knowledge of the English language, which I would not achieve in any other way at my present advanced age.

So, for the present time, I can only hope that my writings will be clear enough for somebody to read and understand, and that the readers accept my writings just the way that I have been able to write them, because this love force within me drives me to do it anyhow.


Life observation on love. 

Life observation on love and wanting to become a writer

During my life I have observed what was happening around me. So, we can say that observing is a way of life that everybody does, because we can’t help it. Since it is important to know what’s happening around yourself in order to survive. So, everybody must observe what’s going on, even if one lives a simple life like I have done. 

Therefore, I have made my own observations during my life, and most of my observations are ordinary observations. But during my life, there has been one of my observations of life that took me by surprise, and I was shocked by it, not only at the time when it happened, but also for a long time afterward, and that event is one of the most important observations of my life. 

I must say, that this life event has happened to me past middle age, at a time when I was assuming that because of my mature age nothing would shock me, or even surprise me. But this happening did take me by surprise, and I was upset very much, therefore, I happen to have learned from this event a great deal about human nature, which I didn’t know before, and this human experience has made me change my views, about life and about love. And because of this rare event of my life, now I believe that, when one falls in love everything has a different meaning.

Anyhow, there may be times in our life, when we human beings will go crazy about somebody or something, and we will desire to have this something so much that we will try to do anything to reach out for it, to make it our own. So, at that moment of life when this happens: We will feel that we want to reach out and do whatever we must do without sparing any efforts, and we hope so much to succeed in our attempt, believing that it will make ourselves feel better, if we succeed to reach our goal. We must do it, because the desire of getting whatever we want so much is so great that we can’t escape it, and even if our reasoning mind tells us that what we are doing is not right, we will keep doing it anyhow. Because, we will be driven from the inborn human nature that’s within us.

All these love feelings with no love happenings have pushed me to write for myself only, because I was forced to write in the hope that through writing I would be able to reach her heart.

Well, here I want to point it out to you, that my love dream has made me write a lot about my love feelings, and even though they were only painful love feelings, I had to keep writing them: so that I could keep dreaming about my love and not despair, and while I was writing and dreaming I felt that I was trying to prepare myself for the future, so, I was hoping that there was a future for me with this special person. But it never happened, and my dream of love has remains only a dream.

Having realized that my love dream would never become true, I found that I could not forget about my love dream writings, because they were and are a part of myself, and therefore I could never willingly destroy them. I have also to say that I have been able to write about my love dreams, because we have a computer nowadays, and therefore, it is a lot easier for me to write on the computer, and the computer allows me to store my writings and edit them.

Anyhow, I believe that this article is becoming too long. So, see you with my next article, where I am going to write about; Farming today compared to the old way.

To see more click on this link,  Midway love life story. See you later.


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