Welcome to our blog, Menfranco general blog
and this post, earning and saving money
When I came to Australia, I ended up working with this builder, in the beginning I had to work as a labour, and there were lots of times when I had to dig foundations by hand, because that is how it was done in those times. At other times I would help the tradesman by bringing to them whatever they wanted.
Some of the house we were building were just timber houses like the one in this photo, other had more masonry and brickwork, it was a variety of styles, but most of them were affordable houses that the workers themselves would be able to afford.
Earning and saving money
Dear readers, whatever you do in life, perhaps the most important thing
is; Earning and saving money, because we need money to buy whatever we are
going to need during our lives.
Let us talk here when I came to Australia, in my case and many other
people like myself that came to Australia in the sixties, because there was
uncertainty of not having a permanent job in the building industry, one soon
learn that whatever money you earn from your job you have to save some,
otherwise you could have problems soon or later; so, this disadvantage that we
had in this job pushed most of us building workers to become good at saving
money, because we wanted to feel safe and independent.
Now let me just talk about money, since we have mentioned it just now.
In Australia because the economy is based on capitalism the more money you are
able to earn and save the better off you are, of course this is also true to
most other part of the world, but in Australia seems to be more so, because it
is a new country, and people rely more on what they are able to earn than in
anywhere else in the world. This is because there are not many existing reach
families that live on the earnings of the properties that have been passed down
from generation to generations, so almost everybody here have made their own
way up if they have any money. Therefore in Australia is mostly up to yourself
if you want to get better you have to try harder, you see most people here are
self made so most of the people have earned their own way. Once you know that
this question comes to your mind and you ask yourself, if other people can do
it, I am sure that I can do it too, this is the only way to move forward and live a better life.
By knowing what I have just said above, one can understand that in
Australia, not only you have to try to earn money, but it is very important
that you save it too, and at the same time you have to try to improve your
working position, so that you can be more independent and not rely completely
on others; this would help if it happens that you lose your temporary job and
also by saving money you can start one day to buy your own house, which is the
most important thing that people should do, if they want to live a good life. I
know now that most of you are saying that buying a house is a very hard thing
to do, but you see, this can be done because I have done it myself, you just
have to work it out how to save money and how much money you need to start
buying a house, if you try to do that you will be all right.
Anyhow I believe that I have said enough about this money business for
the time being, so let me go back to tell you about what I did with this job in
the building industry and became a tradesman, and also how I ended up buying
our house. But now let me tell you how and what we did and my progress in this
building job, so that one can compare what was available then and what
opportunities are available now, while I was working with this Italian small
builder, which we are going to talk about in our next post.
Menfranco general blog
Earning and saving money
Next time with, Working for this Italian builder
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