Welcome to my blog, Menfranco general blog
and this post, The most important dream of my life
This is the face of God according to Michelangelo
I have dreamed
about God
There are times in our lives when we dream, and we think that our dream
is a very special dream. And therefore we think that, that special dream has a
special meaning for us. Therefore some of us want to believe in our dreams.
There are people who believe in the Afterlife, so they believe that they
will go to Heaven or to Hell when they die, or perhaps they will go somewhere
else. There are people that will swear that they have seen the Afterlife, in a
dream or in a coma. But no one can prove it to you.
Anyhow I am saying this because I have dreamed a special dream and this
is what I dreamed that night, the 18th April 1994, which happens to be one of
my daughter’s birthdays, and I believe that this dream is a premonition dream.
This dream starts like this; I am at the top of a flight of stairs, in a
very airy building, which is very much like a large shopping centre; there are
a lot of people on this flight of stairs going about their business. But we all
seem to be just standing there, nobody seems to move much or be in a hurry to
move at all. I happen to be standing near a lady, and we both have intention to
go down this flight of stairs, that is whenever the crowd gives us the chance.
This lady that I am with seems to be my fiancé, and we are both to get married
soon, in the same church I really got married. I am really trying to be nice
and sweet to her, and I could not see any reason at all when all of a sudden
she left me and everybody else, and somehow she managed to go down the flight
of stairs and went away from me.
The dream fades a bit away here, but restarts somewhere else
And then, there I was floating in the air a few meters above the ground.
(There are times when I dream that I am floating above the ground, or above a
crowd of people, most times I feel stressed, and I try so hard to fly until I
float above and over the people, or above and over my problem, whatever that
problem might be). But this time I am floating uphill on a large hillside that
resembles a hillside in the country that I came from: there is a small dirt
road on this large hillside that will pass in front of the town cemetery on the
way to town.
While I am floating, I am making the sign of the cross like when one is
praying several times for unknown reasons, it was perhaps that I felt uneasy or
in danger: In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and again
and again.
With some difficulties I float above and across an unknown bridge. But
then the dream changes and, I am entering a church together with the same lady,
that lady which I was with when I was at the top of the flight of stairs at the
beginning of the dream. (This lady that I am with is supposed to be my wife,
but she does not look exactly like my wife, mostly because, her hair style is
like the Madonna that we used to carry around town, when there is/was a
religious procession.) There are only a few pews in this Church that we have
entered, and perhaps a dozen people sitting there. This Church is situated
right at the top of a high hill. Its interior looks very ancient and tidy, it
is very airy but small; one could say that it is only a Chappell. But the pries
there is the best pries one can ever have, because the pries there is God
I and my lady companion go to sit in a pew, she sits so far away from
me, so, I try to sit closer to her and be nice to her, but she gets up and goes
away, just as she went away when we were standing on the flight of stairs at
the beginning of the dream.
After she left I kept sitting on the same pew in the church, and I was
wondering why she had left me so suddenly, then I turned my head around and saw
that on this special golden-stone-floor as only the ancient people used to
built the Priest appears, or should I say that God Himself appears, or perhaps
it is the Holy Spirit that appears to me. He is/was a middle aged man of
martial appearance, taller than an average man but not a lot taller, well
dressed but His cloths were only normal everyday cloths, I could say that He is
the most perfect man that I have ever seen. Suddenly I found myself beside Him
and He placed one of His hands on my head, and His other hand on my back, just
where my back is usually sore, and then He said: THIS MAN IS A BIT OLD, BUT SO
WHAT!! And then again while He was putting a bit more pressure where my back
pain usually is: BUT SO WHAT!! (As if whatever the matter was with me, the
outcome would make no difference at all). And then He let me go.
So I moved away from Him to go back to my sit, but before I sat down at
my sit I turned around, and from where I was I could see Him again on that
golden-stone-floor, as He (god) was turning away from us and leaving us. At the
same time I became aware that He was carrying in His hand a large hoop as His
symbol of power.
The hoop seemed to be about eighty centimeter plus in diameter, and
attached to the hoop there were about two dozen little hangers, and on each of
these hangers there were several small pieces of material like cloth, He (God)
just touched one of those pieces of cloth as to demonstrate: and from the four
corners of the church; I heard voices which sounded like, as if all the
molecules of air were talking with a single voice, and they were saying: He
touches one of these pieces of material, and He knows everything up to the
smallest possible existing particle.
Here my dream slowly fades away.
What a shock one can have to dream about meeting God, so, later on when
I woke up in the morning I thought; maybe I am going to die soon? Perhaps
that's the reason why I had this dream about meeting God.
This is what I mean when I say that I dream about God. But anyhow here I
have to tell you a bit more about my health; you see, I had been sick for a
long time with arthritis, and I had taken so many pain killers and anti inflammatory
drugs, and I had also had two cortisone injections in my shoulder in order to
release my frozen shoulder. All those drugs that I took during that time, I
believe that they had weakened me and also my heart muscle. Now here I am
speaking only from my own personal experience of course, but I know for a fact
that the anti inflammatory drugs are believed to cause stomach ulcer and other
side effect, but I also believe that the heart muscle becomes weaker from the
prolonged use of such drugs, because those drugs work by making the blood
thinner, and when the blood is thinner the heart works less, and when the heart
work less that it should for a very long time it becomes weaker. So, you see, I
was sick with arthritis, and I was making myself sicker by taking those drugs
for several years. At the time when this happened the doctors did not know or
they were not sure what the side effects of those drugs were for a long time,
so they did not warn you of those dangers. Now let me go back to my illness,
there were times when suddenly I would feel weaker and I thought that it was my
illness, but now I believe that it was my medicine because it was making my
blood thinner, and by doing so it was making my heart weaker, or perhaps my
heart was weakening from some other reasons, which I did not know.
During my long illness, I believe that I have also suffered a mild sort
of thrombosis; I would like to describe what happened to me and how I felt,
when this happened and also how I felt afterward.
One evening when I went to bed I felt rather tired, and because of my
arthritis I usually tried to sleep face up and straight, and only with a small
pillow under my head, so that my back would lay straight. During one of those
nights while I was sleeping in such a position, I felt as if something was
laying over me, and it was trying to suffocate me (some people would describe
this feeling, as if there was an evil spirit sitting on their tummy and it
wanted to suffocate them). Then when I woke up in the morning and tried to get
up I could not get up as usual, finally I managed to get up but it was too hard
to get up, and I felt terrible. I felt like a zombie, I felt as if the lower
part of my brain was asleep and couldn't function properly, and this feeling of
being like a zombie was with me for several months, then it slowly started
lifting away.
During the time that I felt like a zombie, in the morning it was very
hard for me to move normally or do anything in a rush, I felt so bad and
lifeless, and for a few months I used to walk around the house or in the
backyard, just to get my circulation going in order to feel normal. When I was
sitting I would feel as if the chair that I was sitting on was moving from
under me, bur really it was not, because it was my head that was shaking
instead; at that time I also felt much weaker, although my muscles were still
there, but where was my strength? Anything that I did seemed to be much harder
than before, I was short of breath even by just walking, I was really in a bad
way, and I did not know what to do to make myself better.
When I went to see the family doctor, he said that he could do no much
for me. He said that I had been very sick, and that I was aging much sooner
than I should have aged, and for aging there is not much that one can do; so I
was stuck with it.
Therefore, when I dreamed about God in the dream which I have written
above, the thought that I was going to die was possible. But as the time went
by, I started to realize that the dream could not mean that I was going to die;
but it could very well mean that God had saved my life. Because God by coming
into my dream and doing what He did sowed in me the seed of hope, and also the
will to fight back, I did not know how to fight back to regain my health then,
and I thought that all I had to do was to wait and see.
Later on, I will try to write and explain myself more about what I think
this dream has meant for me.
Now that I have written above I dream about God, which is also the most
important dream of my life, I need to continue and tell you the outcome of such
important personal dream, so I need to tell you how and where this dream is
taking me. I have to say that this dream plus other religious dreams that I
have had in my life time have taken me to write these religious writings.
Some useful links:
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