Thursday, September 19, 2024

Australia housing affordability discussions.

WELCOME TO OUR GENERAL BLOG YOU ARE INVITED. Here, we will post articles about world issues, Australian issues, Italian issues. And we will post also my personal life story articles., pub-9256279988632468, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

                   Housing in Brisbane, properties for sale and rent. 

Brisbane is a widespread city and there are many types of houses. Most likely what we see in this photo are pricy houses, because they are near Brisbane River and in a pricy suburb, but there are also some affordable rentals, in the wider Brisbane city. 

Welcome to our article of Housing Affordability Discussions.

These are my views about today rental affordability.

No matter where you are living, you need a place to live in. But today in Australia there is this affordability problem that makes it hard to find a place to live in. Anyhow, let us see what people say, and this is what I found on the internet about housing affordability.  

They say that most Australians want housing prices to fall, as a national campaign urges all parties to take up the reform challenge ahead of next year's election, and I hope they do something about it.

Everybody's Home commissioned a poll by RedBridge which found 54 per cent of Australians want house prices to decrease in the next five years, as opposed to 21 per cent who want them to rise. Well that is what they wish happens, but I believe that prices will keep going up, but we should look for ways to keep the price rise under control.

And 72 per cent of renters want house prices down. I believe that prises cannot go down, while the cost of properties keeps going up.

This report also says that two-thirds of Australians (67 per cent) say the cost of housing is causing them stress, while a whopping 84 per cent are worried about housing affordability for young Australians.

About seven in 10 want the government to spend more on social housing (69 per cent) and to build, rent, and sell affordable housing to workers (67 per cent). (Will this help, I do not know.)

And 46 per cent want negative gearing tax breaks limited to one property at a time, compared to 20 per cent who oppose the decision.

"Australia's runaway home prices are so out of reach for so many voters that most want to see them come down," Everybody's Home spokesperson Maiy Azize said.  

Now we know what some people think, about this housing shortage, but until now nobody has found a way how to fix this shortage. I know that we all have our own views about this problem depending to which group of people you belong, and we all blame the other groups for being greedy, and we want the government to pass laws in our favour, but even that cannot help, unless everything is balanced. So, what can be done to find this balance, between supply and demand and affordability, is the question?

So, hereunder I am trying to suggest my own views, hoping that I can say something useful. First, I must say that I will try to look at the problem, and then try to balance all items if possible. The first problem is that we must believe that we can solve this problem, if everybody works together, instead of blaming each other. So, let us see what is happening now, in the political world.

What is happening now.

Today politicians are unable to solve the housing problem, most of them talk about this and that to gain a few votes, but they do not see the consequences of their own actions. One of the main parties that talk about housing are the green politicians, and they want to pass laws that give the tenants a lot more power than they need and restrict the landlords to do what needs to be done to run their business the best they can.

What the greens seem to miss out is the fact that the landlords run a service to the community, and if you run a service, you need to make some money, otherwise you may as well stay out of it. But running a rental business is very hard, and there is not enough money in it, that is the main reason why there are not enough rental properties around. So, it would be better if the politicians thought about something that would attract more people to be landlords, instead of punishing the landlords by putting more levies on the properties and telling the landlords what to do, when they do not know what they are doing themselves, because if they did, they would not say what they are saying. You see, the entire rental market needs to be balanced, and the duty of the politicians, is to find how this balanced economy can be achieved, instead they blame the landlords for that, and if this continues, there will be less landlords and therefore less properties for rent.

So, what needs to be done, we may ask?  

Now what I am going to suggest here is not new, it is only the way that rentals have been in Australia for a long time, and if the politicians do the right things they can keep going on as they are, because in the past they have worked.  

We all know that the rental market goes up and down, because it is driven from the affordability factor. Today everything is going up faster than ever, and because of the price increase also the rent price must go up, if it does not, the few landlords that are still on the market will slowly disappear, so, the politicians must be very careful about what they want to do, because if there are no landlords, there are not properties for rent.

Now let me say what I think could help achieve some balance in the rental market. All governments involved must try to build lots of affordable rentals, and rent them at cost, or at a loss. But even this cannot be enough, it also cannot be the only thing that can be done, because they most likely can only build huge buildings in a few places, when the rental public needs are widespread. So, they need to keep the private rental sector working, and this must include the small investors, since they will be able to supply single rental properties in different places. I hope you see what I mean.

Having said that, now I can only suggest that to keep things going, all governments must keep levies on affordable rental properties down, and at the same time, increase rental assistance to low-income earners.

There are lots of other things that can be said, but I think I have said the most important things.

Anyhow, while I have been writing this article, in Canberra parliament the government is trying to pass a law, that would help some people to own or rent a house. But the Greens have voted it down, because they want their way. We wonder if this happening may trigger a double dissolution of parliament and have an earlier election. So, there you are the Greens have struck again, even if they are a minor party, they want to be heard. But I believe that it could have been better, if they try to cooperate with their Labor party friends.

I hope that somebody takes note of what I have said, otherwise I have wasted my time. See you next time. 

To see more click on this link, Housing Affordability Discussions. 


Thursday, June 27, 2024

We can fix the rental shortage

WELCOME TO OUR GENERAL BLOG YOU ARE INVITED. Here, we will post articles about world issues, Australian issues, Italian issues. And we will post also my personal life story articles., pub-9256279988632468, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

                   There are many types of properties for rent. 

We all know that there are many types of properties for rent, but today there is a rental shortage of properties for rent. So, we are going to look at the reasons why this is happening, and the discuss what could be done to improve the situation. 

Welcome to our blog, How We Can Fix the Rental Shortage,

Dear readers, I believe that the rental shortage can be fixed, if we look at the reasons why this has happened. But the main reason, I believe it is because today there is not enough money in renting properties, and a lot of expenses and problems. This is not what most people want to hear, but we must accept that this is the truth, because if there was enough money, there would be lots of people wanting to own properties, and lots of properties for rent. 

Anyhow, in this article, we are discussing what are the main causes, and then, what could be done to fix the rental market. I know that what I am writing here is my personal views of the situation. But even the views of a single bloke can sometimes help find a solution. Anyhow, I have been following the rental market shortage for a while, and in my lifetime, I have been renting one or two properties myself, perhaps then it was easier that today to rent a property, but even then, it was not easy. Anyhow, I know something about rentals and the problems that people encounter, so, I want to see if there is something that I can suggest how to improve the situation, but it seems to me that today there is no quick fix option, and I believe that if we don’t do something about it soon, it may even get worse, because prices will continue to increase on the rental market.

One of the reasons of course is that there are not enough houses or unit being built, and until they build more houses and units this shortage will continue, and the prices of houses and rental will continue to go up, but that is not easy to do, because there is also this skilled labor shortage and other financial problems.

Today it seems to me that this problem is not going to go away by itself, like it did in the past, when everything was more balanced and affordable. Therefore, it needs to be studied and fixed by the governments of the day. But most times the people that we send to the government, instead of looking at the reasons why this is happening and find a solution, they blame the landlords, when the landlords find it hard to stay on the rental market, because there is not enough money to run the business, and one of the reasons, is that there are too many levies to pay. Then the price of the properties goes up, and to build a new building costs a lot of money, that is hard to recuperate during the usefulness of the building, it seems all a chain reaction that continues, and needs to be balanced and fixed, if we want to go back to normal rental affordability, so, what needs to be done?

What we believe needs to be done. 

I believe that what needs to be done, is to look closely at what was different when there were enough properties on the market, and somehow there were enough rental properties being built, and somehow, they were able to keep pace with what was needed. Today we blame the government that lets too many people come to Australia, but I believe that, this is only part of the negative situation, and it needs to be balanced. In fact, in the past it seemed to be a good thing that people came to Australia, at a steady pace, and the economy was running along well, because there was enough work for the building tradesmen, but that equilibrium has been lost today. So, it would be good, if we can find a way to balance those needs.        

Anyhow, to make the right decisions we must look at the reasons, why today the rental shortage is this bad, because in the past there has not been a rental shortage so severe, so, what are the reasons?

One of the reasons is the governments greed that charge too many high levies on rental properties, and the landlords are forced to pass in on, they cannot run a business at a loss. Sometimes what they do is evident, at other times it just happens, and they do nothing to fix it, because they collect more money. One of these examples can be found hereunder, where the Queensland government collects more money, just by not changing the land tax threshold. Which we are going to show you hereunder.


One of the main issues is the land tax.   

AS I have said, one of the issues is the land tax levy, that these days is too high. (So, here I quote from what I found on the internet)  

From the internet

Taxpayers would need to pay $1 billion each year to give landlords the tax breaks they desire, Queensland government modelling shows.

The Treasury analysis comes in response to lobbying from the Property Owners Association of Queensland and the Real Estate Institute of Queensland (REIQ) to reduce land tax on landlords.

The Property Owners Association wants the state government to raise the tax-free threshold on land values by 200 per cent, from $600,000 to $1.8 million.

Treasury modelling shows the proposal would cost the budget $1 billion a year over the next four years.

The REIQ wants land tax thresholds indexed to keep up with inflation since the threshold has not changed since 2008.

A Treasury spokesperson said the proposal would cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars each year, rising to $400 million in the 2027/28 financial year alone.

"Land tax is a critically important part of Queensland's revenue base," the spokesperson said.

"It pays for things like new roads, hospitals and schools, and it pays the wages of nurses, teachers and police officers.

"Even so, Queensland has one of the most generous land tax thresholds in the country."

Treasury analysis shows 0.9 per cent of Queensland's population pays land tax, disproportionately affecting people who own multiple investment properties.

Land tax does not apply to homeowners who live in their house as their principal place of residence.

(End of quote)

What we have said above, is only one of the charges that the landlords must pay, and there are many other fixed expenses that the landlords must pay, so, do not blame them for the high rent, they need to run a business, and to run a business one must make money, or at least break even, otherwise they will go broke. This indicates what needs to be done to fix the rental market.  

I could say many other things about charges and running cost, but this article is becoming too long, so, I need to write another article soon, about the cost of running a rental property, and other things. 

To see more click on this link, How We Can Fix the Rental Shortage 

See you next time. 

Friday, May 31, 2024

My World Diary May 2024.

WELCOME TO OUR GENERAL BLOG YOU ARE INVITED. Here, we will post articles about world issues, Australian issues, Italian issues. And we will post also my personal life story articles. 

This is a photo of rental properties. Anyhow, we can say that these days we have a rental problem, because there are not enough properties for rent. So, the price of rental properties is going up, some people are lamenting that they cannot afford to pay rent this high and blame the landlords for this. But at the same time the landlords find hard to run their properties at a profit to stay in business. So, there are lass landlords and also less rental properties being built. 

Welcome to blog, My World Diary May 2024.

In this blog we write a bit of everything. Anyhow, this is my diary of April and May 2024. Because in April there was no new happenings, so, I thought it was the same old story, the war in Ukraine, the war in the Middle East, and the rental problems that we have in Australia, I thought better wait for the new budget to come out, before I post this new article. But let us say what happened briefly while we wait for the budget, hoping that this government does something to improve the situation. So, to start with, let me post what I have found on the internet, and lately it is about the violence against women.

(And I quote)   

Sky News host Andrew Bolt has urged both the Labor and Coalition governments to deal with the “social disaster” for young people which is rentals.


The average rent for a house in Sydney has jumped to $750, compared to $570 in Melbourne and $620 in Brisbane.

“Rents have just gone crazy,” Mr Bolt said.

“This is driven in large part by the Federal government’s insane decision to bring in more than half a million immigrants a year.

“When we are not building anything like enough houses for them.”

Property Council of Australia CEO Mike Zorbas says the federal government needs to “apply a lot more cash” to state and local governments to unlock the housing supply.

The cost of living crisis was one of the key issues in last night’s budget, with a major focus on increasing housing with billions of dollars allocated to the sector.

“There could be more money, I say gratefully, you know the government is certainly doing the right thing, and previous governments have not done enough in this space,” Mr Zorbas told Sky News Australia.

This is what I found on the internet. We will continue to talk about rental, when we look at this year budget.


Now let us talk about violence against women.  

But it is also one of many meetings going on right now as politicians are pushed to finally do something serious to protect women at immediate risk and, hopefully, reduce the numbers who find themselves in that situation. 

This week there has been a meeting of national cabinet, a police ministers meeting, and others in various states, including a meeting of the NSW Cabinet on Friday.

But it is also one of many meetings going on right now as politicians are pushed to finally do something serious to protect women at immediate risk and, hopefully, reduce the numbers who find themselves in that situation. 

This week there has been a meeting of national cabinet, a police ministers meeting, and others in various states, including a meeting of the NSW Cabinet on Friday.

The frustration from many in the community was palpable after Wednesday's national cabinet meeting. The announcement that an existing pilot scheme to help the immediate needs of women fleeing violence with a package of assistance worth $5,000, and some measures to address online misogyny, was met with quite a lot of "is that it?" disbelief, even if it involved new spending of $925 million over five years.

(End of quotes)

This is what I found about violence against women, and it is shocking, it makes me wonder what is wrong with mankind.  


Now let us talk about the wars.

On the internet

Ukraine killed more than 100 of Putin’s troops in a ballistic missile strike in what could be the largest loss of Russian troops in months.

A drone flying high above ground captured the moment multiple explosions hit a military training ground in occupied Luhansk, some 48 miles behind the frontlines.

The attack is typical of an ATACMS tactical ballistic missile, which showers clusters of hundreds of M74 APAM mini-bombs on targets up to 190 miles away.

It would have taken as little as 95 seconds to wipe out more than 100 Russian troops, pictured on aerial imagery standing next to trees, dirt tracks and an open field.

Footage shows a second area hit not far from the first, with a third strike over a forest. There is a lot more that could be said, with loss of lives on both sides, but let us look at the other war.

The war in the Gaza Strip is just as bad, or perhaps even worse than the Ukraine war. It started because Hamas killed over A thousand people and took hostages about 150 Israelite people. Now over 35000 people have died in the Gaza Strip, there are talks about ceasing hostilities, but they do not seem to come to an agreement how to do it.

I think it is not easy to find an agreement, because these two races have been on and off at war, since the beginning of current Era. But let us hope they stop this war soon.    


About this year budget and rentals.

I have been waiting for this budget, hoping that it would do something new that could solve the rental problems. But this year budget does not do anything, it only makes a small improvement for renters, since they get more rent assistance, but a lot more is needed to improve the rental situation. For what I understand, the governments are going to spend a lot of money to build more rentals, but even that cannot be enough. So, this present government have no idea how to solve the rental situation. I believe that the real problem is the affordability issue, and that there is not enough money on rentals, so, the people that have got money invest somewhere else.

Anyhow, in answer to this budget on house affordability and rentals, the opposition leader Peter Dutton said that, if they were in government, they would find a way how to make it more affordable to buy a house, how they are going to do that, I do not know, but at least they think to do something about it. Now if they can do that the rental problem is half solved, because if housing becomes cheaper also rental will become cheaper.

But here I must point out that there could be a problem, the biggest political problem is the green party, that don’t like the landlords and want to take away their properties and give it to the poor rent free. What they do not realize is that some landlords might be just as poor as the renters, they just survive because they have a strict budget. Here I also need to point out, that there are no real have not in Australia, since people can get help form Centrelink, and get a fixed income, whereas the landlord might be poor, but cannot get anything from the government, because of the unjust assets test that takes away three time as much as they can earn, from their properties.  

Anyhow, what I want to say here is that they should stop blaming the landlords, because the landlords run a service to the community, and to be a landlord is one of the hardest things to do. So, stop blaming them and try to solve this problem together. This is all I want to say this time, but I am sure that I will write again about rental soon, when I find out something that points out why we are having this rental shortage. 

To see more click on this link, My World Diary May 2024.


Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Helping you to learn English.

WELCOME TO OUR GENERAL BLOG YOU ARE INVITED. Here, we will post articles about world issues, Australian issues, Italian issues. And we will post also my personal life story articles. 

 Anyhow, in this photo above we missed the letter o. Anyhow, we are showing you the order of the English alphabet and the sound the 26 letters make, if you read them according to the explanation that we are writing in this article. At the bottom is the order of how the letters are set in most computers' keyboards. 

Welcome to our article, English Learning, and How This Article Can Help.

Dear readers, today I am writing an article outside my usual interest, because I have seen some people struggle when they learn English, so, I want to help them by telling them what I know. Then I will go back writing the usual articles next time.  

Anyhow, I must say that English is very important to know today, because we could say that is becoming the universal language of the world, so, most people would like to learn English, for many reasons but English is not easy to learn, because words are written one way, but when we say them they sound completely different; let us talk about number 1 for instance, we write one but we say (uan or wan) and there are many other words that follow the same pattern. However, there are ways that we can help, with some explanations of our own, written hereunder.

Anyhow, this article has been written from a person that has learned English as his second language. It has been written to help those people that want to learn English like I did. I must say that English is not easy to learn, because the sound of the word is not easy to write down, therefore, sometimes you might be able to understand what is written, but it is almost impossible to pronounce them, you must learn that from people that speak English well. Anyhow, I believe that today it is a lot easier to learn English, since there are lots of articles that you can listen to on the internet.

Anyhow, here we will be writing a few things that we hope can help. So, here I will be writing what I found hard to understand. The hardest part to learn English is that it is not phonetic, so, what is written, is not exactly possible to pronounce it right, one must learn the sounds of the words from other English-speaking people. However, there are a few things that can help, if you try hard enough to understand what I am going to show you hereunder, because what I am explaining here, not only will help non-English speaking people, but it can help even children that speak English, when they must learn how to read and write English.

To read and write we need an alphabet and in different languages can be a bit different, but hereunder we are talking about the English alphabet.



Now, the English alphabet has 26 letters. In "alphabetical order", they are:

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Five of the letters are "vowels": a e i o u

The remaining twenty-one letters are "consonants".

We can write each letter as a "large letter" (capital) or "small letter".

Anyhow, each letter of the alphabet has a sound of their own, which when written down may keep their sound value or may even change. Now the greatest change happens with the vowels because most of them have got two vowel sound in them, and not only that they change so many times that the only way to learn English is to learn English word by word.

Now, let us start with an explanation, how the letters of the alphabet should sound, by writing the vowel sound first and then the entire alphabet.

So, let us look at the 5 vowels sound, because they change a lot according to their word position. To do that we need to give a single sound to each vowel, and to understand that sound you should follow this explanation.

If we use a phonetic alphabet where the vowels sound is like the following and do not change, then the letters sound is:

A, =as the beginning of are, art, article etc.

E, =as the beginning of entry, exit etc.

I, =as the beginning of is, in, inside etc.

O, =as in the words stop, most, frost, not, lot etc.

U, =as in the words put, June, July, you etc. 


If we use this vowel sound value we have written above, then,

 in the English alphabet the sounds of the vowels would be,

A=ei, E=i, I=ai, O=ou, U=iu.     

Having done that, now we can follow with the sound of the letters of the entire alphabet. We will write the alphabet in large capital letters, and below them we will write the sound that we call them in English, according to the explanation we have written above. Here we need to say that also some consonants change their sound, but it is not possible to explain that here easily, and it is easier to learn that when you learn the sounds of the entire word. Anyhow, hereunder is the alphabet.



Letters and sound of the English alphabet.

  A  B   C   D   E  F  G 

    Ei           bi             si             di              i            ef             gi

H   I  J   K   L   M   N 

Eich        ai        gei          kei             el           em             en

O   P  Q   R   S  T   U 

ou                pi            kiu           ar            es            ti             iu

V   W   X   Y   Z

Vi        double w             eks         uai      zi, zed.


Now, what we have written above is the order and sounds of the English alphabet, and if you want to use a dictionary, that is the way to find the words you want to check. But today when we use the computer keyboard, the letters are set in a different order, one of which is the following. 

The computer keyboards is set in a different order.

Q   W   E   R  T   Y   U   I   O   P    A   S   D    F   G   H   J    K   L    Z  X  C  V  B  N  M


We hope that we have written something useful, and it will help somebody to learn English. Anyhow, to learn English the best thing is to listen to practical conversation, which today can be found easily on the internet, here is a link from you tube to give you a direction you can follow, to find out what is available click on this link,  

This is all I can say in this article. See you next time, with a different article, back the usual issues.   

To see more click on this link, English Learning, and How This Article Can Help.
