Sunday, September 11, 2022

The Australian Political Parties

WELCOME TO OUR GENERAL BLOG YOU ARE INVITED. Here, we will post articles about world issues, Australian issues, Italian issues. And we will post also my personal life story articles. 
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This article can be also found at this Hub Pages link, The Australian Political Parties

This is the emblem of the commonwealth of Australia. 

Welcome to our article (88)(A3), The Australian Political Parties

Let us talk about, the commonwealth of Australia government, and the political parties.

The government of Australia is the commonwealth of Australia, it is a federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy. It is attached to the commonwealth, and the head of the commonwealth is the queen of England. Well, it sounds as if we are an English colony, but we are not, only the government is run on this British system, which is excellent, it is like a republic, since we vote to elect our government and this system is doing well all over the world. So, let us see who are the people that we vote for.

Now, in Australia there are two major political parties and some small ones. So, it is always one of the major parties alone or with the help of minor parties that forms government. Anyhow, when we want to talk about political parties, people want to ask, which party you think is better? I don’t know if they do that to make up their own mind, or to know to which party you belong and whether you are with them or against them.

In my view there are no better or worse parties, it all depends on what we the people want from them. You see, both political major parties have good policies and bad policies; people view these policies in different ways, according to which group of people they belong, what they do for a living and their needs, because in most cases this will influence to which group and party they will belong.  

Having said that, now let us discuss which party is better for this group or that group. We have to say that whatever job people do, it influences them to choose the party they belong, which will be the party that could help them most; so, let look at the parties, starting with the Labour Party, since it is the largest single party.


The Australian Labour Party has won the election 2022. 

This photo taken in May 2022, when the Labour Party won the elections. In a demogratic government it is very likely that the people vote to change the government, this is a good, because the party in power must govern well to have a chance and be returned to govern. But let us see, who are these people that govern Australia. 

The Australian Labour Party. 

I believe that the Labour Party is the workers party for good reasons, since they represent the workers unions, which helps the worker receive the proper wages from the employers and other things. The Labour Party has other good things, that helps the poor people, at least as much as the coalition party does if not more, because the Labour Party aims to pass laws that the poor people can benefit from; so, it is a good party.

The negative for this party is that they aim to make laws that penalize the people that are rich, they don’t care for the middle income people that own anything, as soon as you own something for them you are a rich person; so, this is the political party for the have-not and the workers that don’t own anything, because as soon as you have something in your name they want to collect more tax from you.

I don’t mind if they tax the rich, because they are rich, and they can still live in luxury, even if they pay more tax. But this attitude of taxing the people that have a few things to their names is wrong, because they are struggling people like the workers that don’t own anything, and my guess is that they are workers that have worked hard to own these few things, and they will continue to work hard, if they are encouraged with fair laws, that will let them grow.  

But when this people see that they are being penalized with extra taxes, because they own something, they will be discouraged, this brings in a negative attitude, and it may not be the best result for everybody. You know, there are a lot of these self-starter, and they pay a lot of tax, if they keep going, they may even become richer, and pay more tax to the government; so, the Labour party in this case should watch out what they are doing. They should let these middle-income people continue to work hard and grow. So, the Labour Party is not the party for those people that want to progress with hard work, or any other means they have. It is only good for the poor people and the workers that work for wages, and they do not own properties. 

Now we have seen that the Labour Party does not care for the self-employed, who belong to middle income section, some of them may not even earn as much as the wage workers, but because they are self-employed or own a small business or something else, nobody cares for them. So, today I am still waiting for a political party that puts the self-employed at least at the same level of the wage workers, or incurages them to progress. 


The coalition Liberal and Country Party. 

Anyhow, a few years ago the middle-income people thought that the coalition was the better party for them; but it is not so anymore, because the coalition also fails to do the right things to these groups that are neither rich nor poor. So, both parties fail to make fair laws for the middle-income hard-working people of Australia. The social security system will completely fail them too, because they are not setup to help them, they are set to help the poor and have-not.

Now, let us see what the coalition does and who are the people that vote for them. The coalition favour the rich, therefore, it is the party for the rich people. It is formed from two main parties, the Liberal Party and the Country Party, they both aim for policies that makes people run their own business, but not for small business, because they class them as simple self-employed people.

Anyhow, the coalition likes the rich people that have their business and employs people, since they are setup and own their business and other things. This system works well, because it is self-driven, using the will of the people that are self-driven; this seems okay up to a certain point, because the self-driven people are business people that put making money first, so, there can be problems because they are greedy, but they must be greedy and work hard to stay in business, that is the only way to succeed. Some people don’t like them when they succeed, they don’t see the hard work they do, they only see these people gains and that upsets them. People need to see that these people are the self-driven people that helps run the economy, and they pay lots of tax, even after trying hard to minimize the tax, so, both parties have problem to solve.

But who is going to look after the middle-income people of Australia? Anyhow, while we are writing these articles, we are looking which party is more likely to make laws that will benefit those middle-income people that are self-starter, even if they are only making ends meet, they are still working and earning their living. You see, these people need laws that can help them, in case their small business fails; because they are not rich to withstand on their own. It is like what is happening to the farmers today, they are self-employed, and they own properties. You see, even these people need help from the government sometimes, just like the have-not do. We will suggest something as we continue to write these articles.


Both political parties have faults. 

As we have said, the Australian political parties have a good side a bad side. The Labour Party works in favour of the workers, the coalition is too far in favour of the rich and forget the rest. The coalition believes that the rich people by trying to make more money for themselves, they will create more jobs, so, the economy will run better by itself, while the government doesn’t do much. The coalition can have the support of those middle-income people that are not rich. These people are more likely to follow the coalition, because they believe that it is more likely that the coalition make laws in their favour, since the Labour Party looks only after the worker that work for wages, so, there is no chance that the Labour Party helps them.

Here we are talking about the second largest group of people after the wage worker, these people are the core of the Australian economy, because they are so many and work hard. Anyhow, this group for their own reasons become self-employed, they work hard and if necessary, take risks to improve themselves.

Anyhow, most of them will try to own a house and other things, because they believe that their savings plus the superannuation contribution can help them to live a better life when they retire, most of them believe that if they are lucky and work hard, they may become rich enough, and will not need the government to help them when they retire. Anyhow, I believe that we need this group of people like that, which are self-employed and take risks, because it is from this group of people that successful people come from.

But I must say that most of them are dreaming, and their dream may not become true, because only a few of them will get rich enough to retire and live on their savings and superannuation contribution without the help from the government. You see, most times what you do during your life, it does not work out the way you want. Anyhow, what happens to these people is that not only they don’t get rich, but also, they are rejected from the politicians, because no major party is geared to look after them, and that is not right.

Therefore, both Australian political major parties fail to look after those people that are not poor, and they are not rich ether, they are left on their own, but not only that, some political idiots make laws that hurts them bad, because they forget to put the people first. But before we do that, we need to tell you about, today Liberal political scene in Canberra.


This is one of the Liberal political scenes. 

The following text, has been written four years ago, when the Liberal won the election. So, it reflects my views of four years ago. Anyhow, after electing a new Prime Minister in Canberra, if the Liberal and country party coalition want to continue to hold office after the next federal election, I believe that they need to overall many laws; they have this opportunity to do this, since their leader has changed, so, a new leader can change a few things to his liking.

We need to point out, that one of the reasons why they were not popular anymore, it was the budget when they changed the assets test, because many people were financially hurt. So, this new government must check and reset the social security system, because they made a mess of it, when the treasurer Joe Hockey, with then PM. Tony Abbott made a disaster, by changing the assets test and other things, because they needed more money and didn’t care about the people.  

Only if they fix those mistakes, which I think is going to be the key issue for next elections, even if the politicians are not going to mention it, the public will not forget it, because they are hurt from the injustice and hardship it continues to bring pains.

It is upsetting, because what they have done is a contradiction to their own liberal principle, which people count on it. They believe that people should be free to do what they want, they should be competing to give the best possible service to the community, which these middle-income people do.

But then suddenly the middle-income people are put in a disadvantaged position, from laws that punishes them, just because they try hard to work and save money, so, they have some personal assets. Assets in your name are only good if they can give you added security and not be punished from stupid laws, just because the government needs more money. Now if the government needs this money, they should make sure that the people affected, don’t end up earning less than the normal minimum pension.

On this assets test subject, I am writing my next article, where I am going to show you what I mean, of course, what we are going to say is linked to the farmers that today are having a hard time, and the reason for that is that they cannot qualify for help from the government, because of the assets test. Anyhow, I want to talk about the assets test for the whole community. I know that they are only my personal views, but if I want my views to be known, then I need to write them down.

Anyhow, this article is becoming too long, and people don’t like long articles, because they don’t have time to read them. So, see you in our next article,   Australia Can Do Better, if the parties in power put people first. Anyhow, we will discuss about the assets test, and we are discussing the drawback it can produce. 

To see more clik on this link, The Australian Political Parties

See you soon.


Thursday, September 1, 2022

The Australian Social Security.

WELCOME TO OUR GENERAL BLOG YOU ARE INVITED. Here, we will post articles about world issues, Australian issues, Italian issues. And we will post also my personal life story articles. 

In Australia we have this government office called Centrelink, that runs the Australian Security System that helps people in need, they are very patient people and they do a great job, but they can only help up to the point that they are allowed to help. Therefore, some people cannot be helped, like the farmers.  

Welcome to our article, Australian Social Security 

Dear readers, in this blog, we will talk about how and why the “Australian Social Security”,fails to help the farmers. Then we will also discuss other things where they fail. But first let us discuss about the farmer, because as we have said in a previous article Farming Today Is Still a Risky Business, so, we want to work out, why the farmers don’t get social security payment from the government, like most other people in need do.

You see, today the Australian Social Security system is helping lots of people, but it is not helping the farmers, even though the farmers really need help from the government. Therefore, we want to know why this is happening, and then, we can suggest how to avoid this happening again. We believe that the Social Security system in Australia must help anybody that needs help, at least the name itself suggests that. So, we are going to talk about this issue, in this article and the following articles.

Anyhow, our views are based on what is happening in Australia today, about farming and the drought, so, the first question is; why the Australian Social Security system has failed to help the farmers. We believe that the Australian Social Security can do better than what it is doing now. So, let us see why the Australian social security is failing to help the farmers.

Now, what we are saying here is what we know, but, if you want to know more about the Australian Social Security system, you should follow these links, Social security in Australia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Benefits and Payments -, and other links that can be found on the internet.

Anyhow, we believe that the Australian Social Security system that we call Centrelink, has failed to help the farmers, because it has not been planned to help them from the beginning, as we will explain as we go on writing these articles. Anyhow, we are talking about the drought and the farmers that are having a very hard time, so, we were saying that all this hardship can be minimized, if aids from the Social Security System was more readily available to the farmers, but it is not, so, the only thing that we can think about this failure, is why the social security has failed to help? Because it is not fair for the farmers, so, the present Social Security System needs to be fixed.

So, why the social security has failed to help? Once you ask that question and look for the reasons, you realize that in Australia not everybody is treated the same, from the current social security system. You see, people are treated different because they belong to different categories; there are: the-have and the-have-not; there are the workers that work for wages; there are the self-employed; there are the farmers, which we could say are self-employed, and others; anyhow, when people go to Centrelink the Social Security government agencies for help, the agencies do what they can according to where these groups of people belong, so, let us see some examples how this works.  


How the Social Security works. 

Let us start from the working people; when people that work for a wage, become unemployed and they are not earning any money, they can go to Centrelink, where they can apply to receive the unemployment benefit from the government; this means that the government gives them some money, until they find another job to go to and can earn their living. This system is called Social Security unemployment benefits, or something like that, and it is good, it is like receiving a small wage to help you survive, so, it helps the workers when they don’t have a job and need financial help.

But the problem with this system is that all categories are not treated the same, which is not good. So, I believe that something needs to be done, to help anyone that needs help. You see, some categories may not receive help because they belong to a certain category, even if they earn no money and have no money, like the farmers today, this is the problem with the Social Security system of today.

You see, the farmers cannot turn to the government for help, because they are self-employed, and they are supposed to be rich, okay they are rich, because they own a lot of land, so, the assets test will exclude them from any government help; in this case there is no social security for the farmers. This is the reason why the social security system is failing the farmers, it is not set to help those people that cannot earn money even when they work hard, in the hope they can earn their living. 

But I believe that the farmers must be helped, because they are the backbone of the Australian economy, therefore, we cannot afford to lose them, so, the Social Security system needs to be adjusted to help them when they need help. They must be helped from the government, until the day that something else can replace the government help; like the collection of funds that we have suggested in our last article. Here we need also to say, that today farming is not regulated from the government, but regulations may need to be placed; so that when things don’t work out, the government will be more willing to help the farmers.

Anyhow, we have worked out that today the farmers cannot be helped from Centrelink, because they are self-employed, and because they have too much property as assets. You see, the assets-test is the main problem here; but I believe that the assets-test in special cases should not override the income test completely, this suggestion does not apply only to the farmers, because the assets-test is also making life miserable to pensioners that own properties, when those properties cannot earn half the money the assets test believe they could.

So, in my views the assets test needs to be modified. Anyhow, we are going into details later, and, it will become self-explained as we write more articles about it. We want to say now that there are issues that need to be fixed from the federal government. So, this farmer’s problem and the assets-test for pensioner, is going to be a real problem for the politicians, if they want to help the people that have voted for them at the elections.


 Let us look at the political reasons. 

Anyhow, I want to point it out, that in our previous articles we have talked about the farmers problems, but slowly we found ourselves to talk about assets-test and politics. Now, what is happening at the Australian federal government level is not right, they need to work better what the people need, and how the people are affected when they make their budgets, I believe that this is one of the reasons why Australia is having problems today, some of these political people that become treasurers are heartless and careless, they have made many mistakes that has affected the public adversely, some of these mistakes need to be fixed, the public is not going to forget easily what they have done, so, they are going to run the risk of losing their next elections, on this issue alone. But let us compare what is happening now, and the past. I believe that in the past it was better, at least this is the way I have seen it happen.

Anyhow, in the past as far as I know there was no assets test in the seventies, it was introduced later to stop people that were abusing the system, also because the government needed more money. Now, let us try to see and discuss some of the reasons that apply today, which takes us to see that the federal government is greedy, because they want more money. So, here we need to look at who are the people that make these decisions.

Of course, they are the politicians that we send to Canberra parliament to govern us, since the government is formed from the political parties. Now it becomes evident that it is what these political parties represent, believe and preach that are going to make the future laws and budgets that parliament will pass, to govern Australia.

So, let us talk about the Australian politics, who represents who and to which party the group of people may belong and other things. Since this is a different issue that influences the outcome, we will talk about this in our next article the Australian political parties, where we will try to explain how we see them.

After we do that, we will come back to talk about the social security system. See you soon, with our article The Australian Political Parties 

To see more click on this link, Australian Social Security . 


Friday, August 26, 2022

Farming is a risky business.

WELCOME TO OUR GENERAL BLOG YOU ARE INVITED. Here, we will post articles about world issues, Australian issues, Italian issues. And we will post also my personal life story articles. 

Farmers are hard working people, in normal seasons when everything is normal, they can make some money if they are well orgnized. But when there is a drought or rains too much, they can easily lose all what they have. If you have farm animals your work never ends, when there is a drought it is even worse, you have to feed and water your animals every day, or you can lose them. 

Welcome to our article  Farming Today Is Still a Risky Business. 

Dear readers, “Farming Today Is Still a Risky Business”. This time the problem is the drought that is ruining farming and there is no end in sight. Now I want to say that I am writing this article for two reasons: One is to talk about the farmers problems that the drought is causing, and two, the failure of the government to help them. 

Now, this farmers problem gives me the opportunity to talk about the Australian government failure to help the farmers and other people, because they are in the same position as the farmer, according to the present, Social Security System, which I believe it is faulty; but it can be improved.

Now, let me explain, the farmers and some other people are cut off the Social Security System, because they own properties, so, the assets-test eliminate them to receive help, even when they need help like the farmers today. So, this article is going to be the first article, followed by several other articles about the Australian politician’s failure to help people in need.

We may argue that the farmers are rich people, so, they must be the last people to receive money from the government. Okay, you are right; but when the farmers reach a stage, where they cannot run their farms anymore, because they have no money; I believe that the government should step in and help them, even if it is a free loan, to be paid back when the farms produce enough and they are in a position to pay that loan. This is only a suggestion, and there are other ways that the government can help.  

I believe that what is happening to the farmers today, it has happened before, so, I want to point out that this is the same old failure that most governments have. You see, what is happening in Australia now, brings back my life-time memories, which are two folds: one is that farming is a risky business, because the nature of farming is risky, since the weather and other things influence the outcome, as we can see from this drought that today is crippling the Australian farmers; the other is about how the government fails to help the farmers even today, when help is urgently needed.

I believe that today we are more advanced, so, these things should be easier to understand and control, if everything can be worked out and organized, before these things happen. Now, I may have started to write this article for the farmers, but there are other things and places that the government is failing to do the right things, so, I will be writing several articles, to point out what I believe can be done to fix them; but let us go back to talk about the farmers.

Anyhow, I want to compare what I know from my life experiences, to what is happening now in Australia. I must say that it is like when I was young, the Italian government wanted only to collect the land tax from us farmers, because we owned some land, even when the land did not produce anything; they still wanted the land tax, and that was hurting us farmers. You see, we old people will always go back and compare present happenings to the past and then have our say, therefore, let me tell you part of my life story, to compare the past with the present.


Compare old and new farming problems. 

When I was young, I have been working in our family farm in Southern Italy for twelve years, I gave up farming because we worked hard but made very little money. During the time that I was working in the farm, I remember two very bad years for us famers; one of this was in 1951 when we had a drought and the wheat and other crops completely failed. We harvested what we could, but there was no much in it; the second time was in 1960, this time was too much rain, we again harvested what we could with the same result, we made about twice as much as the seeds we used for sowing, now that is bad because a good harvest is ten times plus what you sow, at least that is what we believed then. Anyhow, also the farm animals did not do well, because there wasn’t enough good food to go around; so, these events made me think to give up farming, since it is too risky, and you work for next to nothing.

For this reason, I migrated to Australia hoping for the best. In Australia I switched job and instead of farming, I worked in the building industry; but in the back of my mind, I always thought about the farmers and their risky business.

Anyhow, most people in Australia were and are thinking that farmers are rich people; well, some of them are rich and some are not, when everything goes well, it is okay, but they are still running a risky business, and their business can lose money easily.

Now, the worst part of running a business and losing money; it is when people think you are rich, and therefore, nobody cares about you, even if you are starving. As it happens, farmers are at the top of this disadvantaged list, because farming is very risky; you see, most time it depends from the weather, but the farmers have no control over the weather, then, they own a lot of land, (they might even be paying tax because they own this land, (like we did in Italy in the fifties) but I don’t know much about this issue). The farmers are self-employed, so, they don’t qualify for help from the government, because they are self-employed and because of the assets-test. I believe that the assets-test should not apply in special cases, if you cannot make any money even if you work hard to earn it, the assets-test should not apply. I believe that this is what is wrong with the assets-test today, they don’t consider if you can make money, from what you have? And how much money you can make from your assets? We are going to say something about the assets-test later, when we talk about the assets test for rental property owners. 

Now let me go back to the farmers issues because life problems never come alone. You see, it is the federal government that can help the farmers, but the federal government is having trouble today, as we will explain.


Life problems never come alone. 

Anyhow, today I am repostintg this article about Australia farming people, because there is this drought problem. So, the farmers need help, it is too much for them to keep going the way it is. I believe that they are not being helped enough from the government when the government can do more to help them. But as it often happens, our lives problems never come alone; so, troubles can increase other existing troubles, even when they don’t belong to the original trouble.

Anyhow, what I am trying to say here is that the federal government must help the farmers, but today they have their own political problems, so, instead of trying to solve the farmers problem, the politicians fight each other, they want to elect a new Prime Minister, believing that it is the fault of the PM the reason that people are leaving their coalition party; they don’t see that it is the party policies that people don’t like, and one of this I believe it is the assets test, because it puts the farmers and other people in a disadvantaged position. But that is not all, because also, what I am trying to say here is what, senator Richard Di Natale, is talking about in this video, click the link to view.

Richard Di Natale flares up in the Senate - YouTube

OMG finally somebody is telling the truth. Wake up Australian politicians and think about the people that have voted for you first, it is your duty. Now, let us hope that this political problem is solved quickly, so that the politician can go back to work and solve the farmers problem, then solve the other problems. Anyhow, let me go back to talk about the farmers problem, since the farmer are neglected from the government.


Farmers are neglected from the government. 

When we compare today farming to the past, today it is easier than it used to be, because of the progress we have made in farming; good farming practice helps everybody, the proof of how the farmers help is written in this article, Farming today compared to the old way, we wrote this article some time ago, and it explain the benefit that modern farming brings to the people. Because farming helps us all, a good government must care about the farmers. 

Now, as we have said, today farming is still a risky business, when it should not be that risky. You see, we need the government to intervene and make laws that help the farmers when they need help. After all, it is the farmers that feed the people of Australia, because all the food is grown in the farms; so, it is necessary that the farmers are kept farming and continue to feed the entire population, if that cannot be done, then one day food can cost a lot more. So, let me explain how I see this farming situation.

Australia is a vast country, but at the same time it is the driest continent on earth, for this reason the Australian farmers must be organized in a way that they can survive, when a dry spell happens like it is happening right now. They cannot copy anybody else to solve their farming problems, when there is a drought or something else that affects farming, because nobody else has got a problem as large as Australia, so, we in Australia must be the first in the world to find a solution to this farming problem.

I believe that the Australian government must make laws, which will help the farmers survive and be able to bring their farm back to produce whatever they produce, when the drought is over. Now, here we are talking about the drought, but it should apply to other things as well, because farming has too many ups and downs, so, they need to be organized in such a way that when things go the wrong way, like the drought they are experiencing now; this new future set up that we are suggesting, will keep hardship to a minimum.

At this point of time, let us imagine what can be done, then make some suggestions.


We can suggest helping the farmers. 

Today the most important thing that the farmers must do is think how they can survive the drought, or anything else that puts their livelihood at risk. Here we must admit that most of the farmers are good at doing that, because farmers are practical people, but that may not be enough, to save all of them, as we can see from what is happening today. Therefore, we must think about a helping solution. Here we suggest that an organization that collect things from the farmers, when farming is doing well must be created, this is where the government can step in, by setting up a collective organization, which for instance collect every year a portion of the farms produce, or even some money when they are doing well, before taxing them to collect their tax. Then this government organization, will keep this tax-free reserve of food and money in reserve, which then, it can be freely distributed, when it becomes necessary to help those farmers in need.

Well, this only a suggestion that we have written here. But this thing is not even new; we are all familiar with the story in the Bible, when the Pharaoh of Egypt dreamed about the seven fat cows that then were devoured by the seven skinny cows. Joseph interpreted the dream that in the land of Egypt, there were going to be seven years of plenty, followed by seven years of famine. The Pharaoh got Joseph to organize a collection in the years of plenty, to be distributed on the years of famine, and thus Egypt survived the years of famine.

What happened in Egypt was a long time ago, and the earth seasons then were more regular than today, because they did not have global warming to deal with, this global warming is an extra problem that we have created ourselves, so, today and in the future, we must create things that can overcome this global warming problem. Meanwhile, we must be careful what we do; perhaps we should create more social security for everyone including the farmers. Now, let us talk about our present farming and other problems that we are having today. 

Australia is having problems. 

Anyhow, today what we want from the government cannot happen; because of what has happened in Canberra recently; since the federal government has had political problems; so, on the 24 of August 2018 they have replaced the Prime Minister; now the new PM. is Scott Morison, but he needs still to choose the other ministers and then swear them in, before they can talk about anything else. Anyhow, we can say here that today Australia is still the lucky country, because there are people that donate things, when people are in need; so, the farmer get some help that way. Thanks, God, for that!

Anyhow, meanwhile the farmers are praying for rain and praying that the people in Canberra will remember them, and then, do something about helping the farmers. Because, farming is a risky business even today, when things are easier to organize, for this reason, we need to look at the Australian security system to see who is responsible and what can be done.

I think I have said enough in this article, see you in our next article, where we will discuss about the Australian social security system that today is failing the farmers, but not only the farmers, because there are other people that can be served better. We believe that Australia can do better, if the Australian government can organize the resource better.

Anyhow, knowing about these problems, we have published a few articles, hoping we can suggest something useful; here are the links:

Farming Today Is Still a Risky Business

Australian Social Security

The Australian Political Parties

Australia Can Do Better

The Assets Test Dilemma

The Australian Social Security Must Be Equal

We have written these articles and we will continue to write them and post them. 

Anyhow, we are going to talk about the Australian social security system, in our next article. See you soon.  

To see more clik on this linck, Farming Today Is Still a Risky Business


Friday, August 12, 2022

Internet help needed

WELCOME TO OUR GENERAL BLOG YOU ARE INVITED. Here, we will post articles about world issues, Australian issues, Italian issues. And we will post also my personal life story articles.

I believe that the internet has made the world a better place, but people are people and some of them are nasty people, because they want to make money by doing nothing useful, so, they want to rob other people of their savings. They pretend that they are there to help you, until they find a way how to steal your money and run. This is what is written in this blog. 

Internet Help Needed Now.

Welcome to our article, Internet Help Needed Now. 


INTERNET HELP NEEDED. WE CALL FOR HELP, to Microsoft, Google, and the internet great. We ask you, please make the internet safe to use. 

We believe that Microsoft, Google, and the large internet corporations that own the internet, need to do more to make the internet safe to use. Because we can say that today the internet can be a dangerous place.

Anyhow, today I am writing this article, and publishing it in the free internet forums that I know, I am doing this for two reasons. One is to warn my friends, in the hope that they can avoid these dangers when they use the internet, and two, to let the internet owners know what is going on, hoping that they can do something about it, or at least advice what we can do in case these things happen to us. Because I believe that the internet owners can help, since they have the knowhow and the power to find a way how to catch and punish those people that pretend to be their technicians, so that they gain access to other people computers, and through their computer’s link, find a way how to transfer their savings to their account. Now to explain this issue, I need to write here a good example, to the internet owners and my friends to warn them of this danger, because we must be careful what we are doing when we use the internet, since there are bad people that will try to rob your money. One of my friends has had this happening to him recently. Now, let me tell you the story, the way my friend has told me how it happened. so, you can spot the hackers before they can do any damage.


The internet can be a dangerous place.


Now, let me write what has happened recently to one of my friends, to show you what I am talking about, and why we must be careful, when we use the internet.  

Anyhow, this friend of mine opens his computer internet, he sees something that looks interesting, so, instead of doing what he wanted to do, he clicks on the picture link to see what is about, and instead of opening that link the computer screen is filled up with a warning.

The warning says something like this, you have been blocked because this link is not safe, on the screen there is the word Microsoft and everything else to make you think that it is really a Microsoft warning. Then is says, do not turn off your computer, call a technician to fix your computer, and the number to call, xxxxxxxxxx, and do not turn off your computer.

Here my friend thinks, if I can close this pop-up page everything will go away, he tries everything he knows to close this page, but there is no way out of that page. So, he thought, I have no choice I must call this technician; it seems safe enough since it is a Microsoft warning, and this Microsoft technician can fix the computer in no time for free.

He calls the number shown on the screen, this technician answers the call, and they start talking about the computer problems. He said that he could fix the problem, but first we need to check if there are any hackers on the computer. So, my friend follows this technician instructions, and after about half an hour doing this and that, the technician tells him that there are 4 hackers on the computer, to make shore that everything will be right we also need to check the email account, and after that he said, we better check the bank account in case the hackers are there, so, my friend opens his bank account and continue to talk how to fix this computer.

Anyhow, another friend comes to visit him, and while they were there the phone rings, it is the bank saying that there is somebody that wants to transfer some money, suddenly my friend realizes that he has been tricked to log in the bank account, he tells the bank no transfer. With the help of his friend, he switches everything off, while shouting at the supposed to be technician, you are the hacker.

According to my friend, he said that in a way he was lucky, because there was no money transferred. He believes that he just switched off everything in time.


Microsoft, Google, and large internet owners.

Today we can say that the internet can be a dangerous place, because there are bad people that pretend to be good people, but they are robbers, therefore, Microsoft, Google, and other main corporations that own the internet must do more to make the internet a safer place. They are the only people that have the know-how, how to find these hackers, that first block your computer and then they want to rob you; ether by charging a high fee, for services that did not exist, except that they have set it up, and made you believe they exist, or robbing you, your bank savings. 

Anyhow, here I have deleted my last part, which I believe violates the Blogger community Guideline. I hope my blog is okay now.   
